Natural Wellness


owie roller bottle recipe 
 • 10 drops lavender
 • 10 drops frankincense
 • 10 drops tea tree
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well before using 

Use with owies of all kinds — cut, scrapes, bumps, bruises can all use this blend. Clean cut or scrape, then apply owie roller after. Use daily until no longer needed. 

shop essential oils here or through my website, click on shop favorites link & young living.
owie roller bottle recipe using young living essential oils
owie roller bottle recipe • 10 drops lavender • 10 drops frankincense • 10 drops tea tree • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well before using Use with owies of all kinds — cut, scrapes, bumps, bruises can all use this blend. Clean cut or scrape, then apply owie roller after. Use daily until no longer needed. shop essential oils here or through my website, click on shop favorites link & young living.

owie roller bottle recipe 
 • 10 drops thieves
 • 5 drops frankincense
 • 5 drops lemon
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well before using 

Use when starting to feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better. 

shop essential oils here or through my website, click on shop favorites link & young living.
immune boosting roller recipe using young living essential oils — natural remedy when feeling sick
owie roller bottle recipe • 10 drops thieves • 5 drops frankincense • 5 drops lemon • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well before using Use when starting to feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better. shop essential oils here or through my website, click on shop favorites link & young living.

 • 10 drops thieves 
 • 5 drops frankincense
 • 5 drops lemon
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well 

<<< HOW TO USE >>>

Use when you feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better.
immune and wellness boosting roller recipe using young living essential oils
<<< IMMUNE BOOSTING ROLLER RECIPE >>> • 10 drops thieves • 5 drops frankincense • 5 drops lemon • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well <<< HOW TO USE >>> Use when you feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better.

owie rollee blend
 • 10 drops lavender
 • 10 drops frankincense
 • 10 drops tea tree
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well before using 

Use with owies of all kinds — cut, scrapes, bumps, bruises can all use this blend. Clean cut or scrape, then apply owie roller after. Use daily until no longer needed.
diy owie roller blend using essential oils
owie rollee blend • 10 drops lavender • 10 drops frankincense • 10 drops tea tree • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well before using Use with owies of all kinds — cut, scrapes, bumps, bruises can all use this blend. Clean cut or scrape, then apply owie roller after. Use daily until no longer needed.

anyone else have kiddos that have a hundred owies a day??? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ 

SAME!! here is the recipe you need for the real ones and not so real ones. 


10 drops lavender
 • 10 drops frankincense
 • 10 drops tea tree
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well 

i choose these three essential oils since they are all so amazing for skin and healing!! tea tree is also a great anti microbial and antiseptic. 🙌🙌🙌

<<< HOW TO USE >>>

this roller recipe can be used for of all kinds of owies and super gentle on the skin (no stinging or pain). we use this for cuts, scrapes, bumps, bruises and anything that kiddos call an owie ☺️

Clean cut or scrape if needed, then apply owie roller after. Use 1-3 times daily un
homemade owie roller bottle recipe using young living essential oils
anyone else have kiddos that have a hundred owies a day??? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ SAME!! here is the recipe you need for the real ones and not so real ones. OWIE ROLLER RECIPE 🤕🤕🤕 10 drops lavender • 10 drops frankincense • 10 drops tea tree • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well i choose these three essential oils since they are all so amazing for skin and healing!! tea tree is also a great anti microbial and antiseptic. 🙌🙌🙌 <<< HOW TO USE >>> this roller recipe can be used for of all kinds of owies and super gentle on the skin (no stinging or pain). we use this for cuts, scrapes, bumps, bruises and anything that kiddos call an owie ☺️ Clean cut or scrape if needed, then apply owie roller after. Use 1-3 times daily un

Wellness Essential Oil Roller Recipe >>>
 • 10 drops thieves 
 • 5 drops oregano
 • 5 drops rosemary
 • 5 drops lemon
 • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil)
 • shake well 

<<< HOW TO USE >>>

Use when you feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better.
wellness essential oil roller recipe using young living essential oils
Wellness Essential Oil Roller Recipe >>> • 10 drops thieves • 5 drops oregano • 5 drops rosemary • 5 drops lemon • fill remaining with carrier oil (such as fractured coconut or jojoba oil) • shake well <<< HOW TO USE >>> Use when you feel sickness coming on and while you are sick. Roll along spine and on the bottoms of feet 1-4 times per day. Use daily until feeling better.

 • Supports a healthy immune system
 • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
 • Provides energy support
 • HUGE source of antioxidants
 • Support brain and joint health
 • Supports healthy hormone levels
 • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
 • Can help curb sugar cravings
 • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols

My favorite way to drink 1-2 oz Ningxia is with sparking water, lots of ice and either sulferzyme powder (hair, skin & nails supplement) or golden mango turmeric (inflammation supplement). 


high antioxidant drink with anti aging benefits & natural energy — young living ningxia red
** NINGXIA RED AT A GLANCE** • Supports a healthy immune system • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way • Provides energy support • HUGE source of antioxidants • Support brain and joint health • Supports healthy hormone levels • Supports healthy blood sugar levels • Can help curb sugar cravings • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols My favorite way to drink 1-2 oz Ningxia is with sparking water, lots of ice and either sulferzyme powder (hair, skin & nails supplement) or golden mango turmeric (inflammation supplement). MORE ABOUT NINGXIA RED ☺️ SHOP NINGXIA BUNDLE HERE ⤵️

 • Supports a healthy immune system
 • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way
 • Provides energy support
 • HUGE source of antioxidants
 • Support brain and joint health
 • Supports healthy hormone levels
 • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
 • Can help curb sugar cravings
 • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols


antioxidant powerhouse drink — ningxia red
** NINGXIA RED AT A GLANCE** • Supports a healthy immune system • Helps us be proactive against all the germs coming our way • Provides energy support • HUGE source of antioxidants • Support brain and joint health • Supports healthy hormone levels • Supports healthy blood sugar levels • Can help curb sugar cravings • Whole-food, nutrient dense supplement full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols MORE ABOUT NINGXIA RED ☺️ JOIN MY FREE NINGXIA RED EMAIL SERIES ⬇️

What is Ningxia Red???

It’s a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor. 

Join my FREE FIVE DAY EMAIL SERIES to learn all about the amazing benefits of Ningxia Red. ☺️

daily antioxidant drink for women
What is Ningxia Red??? It’s a powerful antioxidant supplement drink made from wolfberry puree, blueberry, plum, cherry, aronia, and pomegranate juices, grape seed extract, Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils, stevia and pure vanilla extract for flavor. Join my FREE FIVE DAY EMAIL SERIES to learn all about the amazing benefits of Ningxia Red. ☺️ SIGN UP HERE