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Frontal view of the trachea. Coned-down view of a frontal chest radiograph shows the right paratracheal stripe (arrows), composed of the right lateral tracheal wall, a small amount of mediastinal fat, paratracheal lymph nodes, and the visceral and parietal pleural layers of the right upper lobe, This stripe should be uniformly smooth and should not exceed 4 mm in width. Thickening or nodularity reflects disease in any of the component tissues. The left lateral wall of the trachea is surrounded b
Right middle and lower lobe atelectasis. Frontal (G) and lateral (H) chest radiographs in a 14-year old male with asthma show complete middle and right lower lobe atelectasis. On the frontal (G) view, the displaced major (arrow) and minor (arrowhead) fissures are visible. Note obscuration of the right heart border and right hemidiaphragm by the opacified, atelectatic lobes.
Right Lower Lobe Atelectasis. Frontal chest radiograph (A) in a patient with right lo wer lobe atelectasis shows a homogeneous triangular opacity in the right lower lung that obscures the, medial right hemidiaphragm. Arrows, displaced right major fissure. On the lateral radiograph (B), there is opacity overlying the lower spine (asterisk) and the posterior right diaphragm is obscured.
Left upper lobe atelectasis. Frontal (C) and lateral (D) chest radiographs in a patient shows left upper lung opacity obscuring the left mediastinal interfaces. On the frontal (C) radiograph, there is a subtle left juxtaphrenic peak (short arrow) representing an inferior accessory fissure tenting the left hemidiaphragm as a result of left upper lo be volume loss. A lucency (long arrow) outlining the aortic knob represents compensatory hyperinflation of the superior segment of the left lower lobe
Multiple Pulmonary Nodules- Differential Diagnoses in Radiology | Radiology Everywhere
Differential Diagnoses in Radiology | Radiology Everywhere
Posteroanterior chest radiograph demonstrates a thyroid goiter (arrow) extending into the middle mediastinum, oblit eratin...
Split pleura sign
empyema not abscess