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Rust en kalmte
rust en balans is voor mij heel belangrijk voor een gelukkig leven. En ik geloof ook echt in geluk en positiviteit, want als je met een open blik naar de wereld kijkt, zie je zoveel moois.
2023 Vision Board Kit | 205 High Resolution Vision Board Printables and Vision Board Downloads | Aesthetic
Take your vision board to the next level with aesthetic words, phrases and affirmations. 205 images available to download and print in portrait, landscape and square (600+ files) Create your ideal 2023 vision board with 205 aesthetic photos with words and quotes to help motivate and organize you through your 2023 vision board. Manifest your wildest dreams and higher self with a variety of inspirational and motivational quotes.
Savings Mindset
Your mindset is everything when it comes to personal finance. What you think becomes reality - if you believe you can't save money, then you won't. But if you open your mind to saving and building up your emergency fund and sinking fund, then it becomes so much easier. You are worthy of having the security that savings provide and you are capable of building them, even if progress is slow or you don't have a lot to set aside.