
588 Pins
Learn Ways to Prevent Hawks from Attacking Your Chickens
A hawk attack can be devastating to your chickens. Hawks can swoop in and snatch a chicken in a matter of seconds. Learn multiple ways to prevent a hawk from attacking your chickens and the best way to keep your flock safe from hawks.
How to Winterize Your Chicken Coop and Run
Winterizing your chicken setup is vital to protect your hens from the cold, snow, drafts, and potential health issues. Here I’ll provide you with simple steps on how to winterize your chicken coop and run, ensuring that your backyard flock will stay healthy and happy during the winter season.
How to Properly Butcher a Chicken (With Pictures)
Learn how to properly butcher a chicken with step by step instructions. By the time you’re done reading this, you'll know what to do.
5 Ways to Keep Raccoons Away From Chickens
Protect your chickens from raccoons with our guide. Learn effective ways to deter these pesky animals.
How to Quickly Dispatch a Chicken
Learning how to quickly and effectively dispatch a chicken is the first hurdle to overcome when processing meat chickens! | meat chickens, chicken processing, butchering a chicken, raising meat chickens, dispatch a chicken, pastured poultry, raise your own meat, backyard farming, homesteading, mini farm, chicken farming, free range chickens, broiler chickens, chicken tractor, processing cones for chickens, plucker and scalder for chickens
The Easy Way to Raise Mealworms
I have been raising mealworms for about six months now. In this article, I will show you how to raise the worms easily and without making all the mistakes I made.