
60 Pins
CDK performance 🤩🤩
I love this dance routine that CDK did to the song somebody that i used to know! Its so refreshing and unqiue. Something that i admire in dance form. 🤩🤩😍. #dancers #choreography #danceperformance #contemporary #dancevideo #somebodythatiusedtoknow #inspiring #refreshing #unique #dance
TikTok · West Coast Swing
" Awesome impro dance to #Macarena by @jordanandtatiana and @emelinerochefeuille at #Budafest So many asked for the full version, so we edited a completly remastered and reedited full-version of this awesome dance of Jordan & Emeline. If you haven't seen it yet it's a must see in #WestCoastSwing at one of the most watched videos. #funny #cool #WestCoastSwing #WCS #dance #Impro #improdance #viral #dancer #dancers #macarenadance #macarenadancechallenge "