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Past Life Tarot Cards | Tarot spreads, Tarot interpretation, Learning tarot cards
Welcome to Amber's Utopia, a personal blog and website where you can find content and resources on spiritual development, divination, productivity, well-being and growth.
What The Actual F Is Happening Tarot Spread
The "What the Actual F* is Happening?" Tarot Spread is a fun and direct way to gain clarity when you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed, or unsure about a situation. It's designed to help you break through the fog, cut through the drama, and get to the heart of what's going on. This spread is perfect when you need some no-nonsense guidance. Trust the cards to provide clarity, and remember that the truth will help you move forward.
Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading
Tarot cards are an ancient form of divination. Asking the cards questions resulting in true insights is an art that anyone can learn, which starts first by asking the right questions. By asking the right type of question, it’s the best way to get a helpful reading.
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a tarot or oracle spread for you. This is one to use as a Reader Check-in prompt. 1. What am I excelling in right now? 2. Where are my blind spots? 3. Which card represents me as a reader? Let me know if you’ll use it! I’ve, also, included my Deck Interview Spread from a long time ago since it’s been quite popular recently. 1. Describe yourself? (deck) 2. Your strengths? 3. Your weaknesses? 4. Describe me? (reader) 5. What do you want to help me...
tarot card reading layout for a new tarot deck interview/introduction - oracle deck, lenormand, etc.
this tarot spread layout is for a tarot deck/oracle deck interview or introduction. tarot readings like this are ideal for understanding the energy of a new deck (which is crucial) &, just as importantly, the deck can understand who you are also. this tarot card spread is beginner friendly for those learning divination & includes tarot journal & bullet journal prompts to dive in even further. find tarot & oracle decks in store at MoonHaus Studio.