
27 Pins
How To Make A Butterfly Bath For Under $10 & Why You Should Have One!
How To Make A Butterfly Bath For Under $10 & Why You Should Have One! - Mental Scoop
The Buzz on Saving Florida's Honey Bees • Authentic Florida
The Buzz on Saving Florida's Honey Bees • Authentic Florida
🐝 Build a Bee Bath 🐝
Bee baths are an incredible way to help out your summer garden and the local pollinators 🐝🐝 . . . #beinggreenissimple #simpleecology #zerowaste #sustainability #summergarden #bees #honeybee #savethebees #environmentalist #backyardgarden #gardeninghacks #beekeeping #insects #organic
This may contain: a bucket full of wine corks sitting on the ground next to a blue flower
Make a Watering Hole for Bees
The heatwave affects pollinators. Make a watering hole for the bees! #🐝 #bees #diy
This may contain: a bowl filled with rocks and pebbles on top of mulchy ground next to leaves
How To Create A Bee Bath
Creating a bee bath is an easy way to provide water for bees, especially in hot weather. Simply fill a shallow container with water and add some stones for the bees to land on. Place it in a sunny spot in your garden, away from bird feeders, and keep it filled with fresh water. This simple act can help support these vital pollinators. Thank you for the demo video @livekindly #BeeBath #SaveTheBees #PollinatorGarden #BeeWateringHole #BeeConservation #GardenForBees #BeeCare #TheBeeMan #beemanbuzz #beeremoval #beeremovalandrelocation #beeremovalOrangeCounty
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Planning and Building a Bee-Friendly Backyard
Planning and Building a Bee-Friendly Backyard via The Survival Mom -- Support the all-important bee by creating a bee friendly backyard or garden. Here are a few simple and budget friendly ideas. #beekeeping #gardening #beefriendly #backyardgardening