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Homesteading, Preparedness, and Off-Grid Survival; Beginners thru Experts | Sharing with my fellow gardeners | Facebook
2.6K reactions · 366 shares | Follow @your_growfriend for more amazing plant care tips and tricks!🌿 🍅The Life of a Tomato is a Constant Pruning. How to Prune It? 📽rosesu_seeds #growfriend #tomatogrowing #gardeningtips #growyourownfood #pruningtomatoes #tomatoplant #organicgardening #backyardgardening #gardeninghacks #homesteading #vegetablegarden | GROWFRIEND 🌿
2.6K reactions · 366 shares | Follow @your_growfriend for more amazing plant care tips and tricks!🌿 🍅The Life of a Tomato is a Constant Pruning. How to Prune It? 📽rosesu_seeds #growfriend #tomatogrowing #gardeningtips #growyourownfood #pruningtomatoes #tomatoplant #organicgardening #backyardgardening #gardeninghacks #homesteading #vegetablegarden | GROWFRIEND 🌿
13K views · 332 reactions | 🥕 Carrot Growing Tips! 👇🏼 Once you know these “secrets”, you’ll see carrots are easy to grow - and one of THE most fun and rewarding crops to harvest! . 🌞 Carrots are cool-season crops, perfect for the spring or fall garden. In places with temperate winters or summers, you can grow them year-round! . Direct sow carrot seeds outside (rather than starting indoors and transplanting, or buying seedlings.) . 🌱 Plant carrot seeds either “surface sown” (scattered or pressed into the soil surface) or lightly covered with a sprinkle of potting soil, no more than ¼” deep. They need consistent moisture to sprout, so you may need to give them light water everyday or every other day during germination. . Carrots love loose fluffy soil. Hard soil or obstacles can lead to stunted or deformed growth. If your soil is rocky, clay, or otherwise compact, loosen it to at least a foot deep and amend with potting soil, aged compost and/or horticultural sand. . 🙅🏼‍♀️ Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers. Carrots grow large leafy tops but smaller or deformed roots (carrots) with too much nitrogen. . 💧 Carrots love water! Ever had “hairy” carrots?When carrots don’t get enough water, they send out tiny feeder roots in search of more. . Thinning or spacing carrots to one sprout every 1-2 inches will give them the room they need to grow long and large. Overcrowded carrots will stay much smaller or wrap around one another. . ⏰️ Carrots take 3-4 months to mature. We usually start harvesting mini carrots early/as-needed rather than waiting for allll of them to be ready at once - though a huge carrot harvest is always fun! . Our favorite ways to preserve excess carrots include making lacto-fermented carrot pickles or roasted carrot and sweet potato soup (to freeze) though they hold up really well in cold storage (e.g. refrigerator or root cellar) for many months. . 🌿 Carrot greens are edible too! They’re fantastic in pesto, chimichurri, added to green juice or homemade veggie broth. Our chickens fancy them too. . Happy growing! ✌🏼 . #growfood #gardeningtips #gardeninspo #homesteading #homesteadlife #gardenlove #harvest #inmygarden #instagardeners #backyardgarden #growyourown #carrots | Homestead and Chill
13K views · 332 reactions | 🥕 Carrot Growing Tips! 👇🏼 Once you know these “secrets”, you’ll see carrots are easy to grow - and one of THE most fun and rewarding crops to harvest! . 🌞 Carrots are cool-season crops, perfect for the spring or fall garden. In places with temperate winters or summers, you can grow them year-round! . Direct sow carrot seeds outside (rather than starting indoors and transplanting, or buying seedlings.) . 🌱 Plant carrot seeds either “surface sown” (scattered or pressed into the soil surface) or lightly covered with a sprinkle of potting soil, no more than ¼” deep. They need consistent moisture to sprout, so you may need to give them light water everyday or every other day during germination. . Carrots love loose fluffy soil. Hard soil or obstacles can lead
1.3M views · 4.4K reactions | No time for Thyme? Here's an easy trick to clean those leaves off quickly. Just gently roll the entire herb on a resting rack and boom! ... you are welcome. It's life changing. . . . . . . . #cheftip #chef #pitmaster #thyme #kitchentip #pro #txbbq | Tim McLaughlin
1.3M views · 4.4K reactions | No time for Thyme? Here's an easy trick to clean those leaves off quickly. Just gently roll the entire herb on a resting rack and boom! ... you are welcome. It's life changing. . . . . . . . #cheftip #chef #pitmaster #thyme #kitchentip #pro #txbbq | Tim McLaughlin
8.9K views · 5.8K reactions | Sembra estas plantas en tu huerta y verás cómo no aparecen plagas! #huerta #huertaencasa #huertaecologica #huertaorgánica #cultivoorganico #cultivoecologico | Cultivo orgánico | Hidroponia | Huertas
8.9K views · 5.8K reactions | Sembra estas plantas en tu huerta y verás cómo no aparecen plagas! #huerta #huertaencasa #huertaecologica #huertaorgánica #cultivoorganico #cultivoecologico | Cultivo orgánico | Hidroponia | Huertas
250K views · 7.9K reactions | #garden #gardening #gardens #plants #plant #gardening101 #gardeningtips #farm #farming #pepper #pruning #vegetables #agriculture #tip | By My Own Garden 1 | Facebook
250K views · 7.9K reactions | #garden #gardening #gardens #plants #plant #gardening101 #gardeningtips #farm #farming #pepper #pruning #vegetables #agriculture #tip | By My Own Garden 1 | Facebook
70K views · 497 reactions | Are you weary of cooking down tomato juice to make sauce Are you tired of tomato juice splatters all over your walls and oven because of boiling tomato juice down for hours Yeah…I | Michelle Farmer
70K views · 497 reactions | Are you weary of cooking down tomato juice to make sauce Are you tired of tomato juice splatters all over your walls and oven because of boiling tomato juice down for hours Yeah…I | Michelle Farmer
La planta trepadora que está en tendencia, crece rápido y tiene flores durante todo el año
La planta trepadora que está en tendencia, crece rápido y tiene flores durante todo el año
7.3K reactions · 536 shares | It’s that time again! Time to watch the Giants lose…. and wrap the fig trees! This variety is called Chicago Hardy and it’s supposed to be relatively cold tolerant. Still needs to be wrapped though. Here’s how: 1. Use twine to tie up the branches. 2. Wrap the tree in welded wire mesh or chicken wire. 3. Fill with dry leaves. 4. Tarp it. 5. Bricks at the bottom to hold it all down. 6. Bucket on top to keep out the moisture. ————————————————- How do you wrap your fig trees? Why are we still watching the Giants??? #figs #garden #figtree #winterizing #winter #nygiants #newyorkgiants | Chris
7.7K reactions · 561 shares | It’s that time again! Time to watch the Giants lose…. and wrap the fig trees! This variety is called Chicago Hardy and it’s supposed to be relatively cold tolerant. Still needs to be wrapped though. Here’s how: 1. Use twine to tie up the branches. 2. Wrap the tree in welded wire mesh or chicken wire. 3. Fill with dry leaves. 4. Tarp it. 5. Bricks at the bottom to hold it all down. 6. Bucket on top to keep out the moisture. ————————————————- How do you wrap your fig trees? Why are we still watching the Giants??? #figs #garden #figtree #winterizing #winter #nygiants #newyorkgiants | Chris
How to Wrap an Olive Tree For Winter - Olive Grove Oundle
How to Wrap an Olive Tree For Winter - Olive Grove Oundle
7.3K reactions · 536 shares | It’s that time again! Time to watch the Giants lose…. and wrap the fig trees! This variety is called Chicago Hardy and it’s supposed to be relatively cold tolerant. Still needs to be wrapped though. Here’s how: 1. Use twine to tie up the branches. 2. Wrap the tree in welded wire mesh or chicken wire. 3. Fill with dry leaves. 4. Tarp it. 5. Bricks at the bottom to hold it all down. 6. Bucket on top to keep out the moisture. ————————————————- How do you wrap your fig trees? Why are we still watching the Giants??? #figs #garden #figtree #winterizing #winter #nygiants #newyorkgiants | Chris
7.3K reactions · 536 shares | It’s that time again! Time to watch the Giants lose…. and wrap the fig trees! This variety is called Chicago Hardy and it’s supposed to be relatively cold tolerant. Still needs to be wrapped though. Here’s how: 1. Use twine to tie up the branches. 2. Wrap the tree in welded wire mesh or chicken wire. 3. Fill with dry leaves. 4. Tarp it. 5. Bricks at the bottom to hold it all down. 6. Bucket on top to keep out the moisture. ————————————————- How do you wrap your fig trees? Why are we still watching the Giants??? #figs #garden #figtree #winterizing #winter #nygiants #newyorkgiants | Chris
26K views · 6.5K reactions | Here’s what we’ve learned after 8 years of brick installations ⬇️ . We do a pretty good job 😂 . We have learned a few things though that we want to share: . Install cement board every time. (You can take the Sheetrock down first but you don’t have to. Your wall will just be deeper. Make sure the cement board is secured to your studs either way). . But you’ve seen people install it on Sheetrock, right? You probably could get away with it for years. But one day: it will all come down in one sheet. Attaching it to Sheetrock is just attaching it to the paper that covers the Sheetrock. Use cement board. . You can use adhesive instead of mortar (it’s listed with the supplies, and it’s the only one we use). The one we use is made for this, it gives you enough time to adjust, but also sticks as soon as you ask it to. Outdoors we still use traditional mortar in case water gets in behind the brick and freezes etc. . Grouting secures the whole project. We pipe it in with bags. This is the labor intensive part. You’ll regret your life choices. You’ll wipe wipe wipe until the bricks are clean and you have no moisture left in your hands. . If this is a backsplash or floor you’ll want to seal it like crazy. . Comment BRICK for all the info and our 10% discount code CALLSIGN. #lowespartner #oldmillbrickaffiliate | Walter & Lisa Reece ✨Create Your Own Timeless, Classic Home
26K views · 6.5K reactions | Here’s what we’ve learned after 8 years of brick installations ⬇️ . We do a pretty good job 😂 . We have learned a few things though that we want to share: . Install cement board every time. (You can take the Sheetrock down first but you don’t have to. Your wall will just be deeper. Make sure the cement board is secured to your studs either way). . But you’ve seen people install it on Sheetrock, right? You probably could get away with it for years. But one day: it will all come down in one sheet. Attaching it to Sheetrock is just attaching it to the paper that covers the Sheetrock. Use cement board. . You can use adhesive instead of mortar (it’s listed with the supplies, and it’s the only one we use). The one we use is made for this, it gives you enough t
217K views · 4.3K reactions | The worst part of beekeeping is the struggle of harvesting honey - a task that keeps a lot of people with physical limitations from keeping bees. With the @flowhive I just turned a key and honey came out, without the bees even knowing it was happening. #flowhive #beekeeping #pollinatorgarden #gardening #pollinators #nativebees #beekeepers #honeybees🐝 #beehives #beesarecool #worldbeeday #beeday #honeybees #bees #savethebees | Happy Home Jungle
217K views · 4.3K reactions | The worst part of beekeeping is the struggle of harvesting honey - a task that keeps a lot of people with physical limitations from keeping bees. With the @flowhive I just turned a key and honey came out, without the bees even knowing it was happening. #flowhive #beekeeping #pollinatorgarden #gardening #pollinators #nativebees #beekeepers #honeybees🐝 #beehives #beesarecool #worldbeeday #beeday #honeybees #bees #savethebees | Happy Home Jungle
Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter
Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter
22M views · 386K reactions | Tu Árbol de limón 🍋 en maceta no dá frutos te muestro el secreto de despunte | Amor por el Huerto | Amor por el Huerto · Original audio
22M views · 386K reactions | Tu Árbol de limón 🍋 en maceta no dá frutos te muestro el secreto de despunte | Amor por el Huerto | Amor por el Huerto · Original audio