Change the world through prayer!

For folks who believe God can change situations on earth if only we recognise his supreme power. Ask, seek, knock are we doing of that of The Master or are we focusing only on ourselves. Lord I need this, Lord give me that! Lord if only you would do this, then I would do that, for you! Are we standing in the gap for our brothers and sisters who are in peril! In Syria, Egypt, worldwide! Jesus is the answer! Rise up prayer warriors and defend, intercede for our brothers a sisters who can't!
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"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God." —1 John 4:1 - Google Search
A Prayer for A Season of Change
a prayer for when things are changing in your life
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Video Released Of Georgia Guards Beating Prisoners With Hammer
Video Released of Georgia Guards Beating Prisoners With Hammer