Passive Solar Energy

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Home Energy Efficiency Check Up
$50 for Home Energy Efficiency Check Up at Cool It Mfg & Passive Energy Solutions ($100 Value)
Photographic Print: Wind Turbines, Wind Power Station, Renewable Energy, Wind Park, Parish Kronprinz
Solar Electricity Basics - Revised and Updated 2nd Edition (PDF)
s Powering Your Home or Office with Solar Energy by Dan Chiras Climate change and limits to fossil fuels compel us to find safer, more economical, and more sustainable ways to meet our needs for electricity. And, as more and more electric cars hit the road, we'll need to find a way to provide fuel that is clean, environmentally sustainable, and affordable. With Solar Electricity Basics, author Dan Chiras offers a concise and up-to-date guide covering all t
Green Transportation Basics
s A Green Energy Guide by Dan Chiras Our automobile culture is devastating for the environment, but private passenger vehicles are unlikely to disappear from our roads anytime soon. Greener cars and fuels will be a necessity for many years to come. Green Transportation Basics is a guide to greening your personal driving habits by dramatically improving the efficiency of an existing vehicle using simple measures such as trip planning and regular maintenance
Passive Solar Home Design | Department of Energy