
15 Pins
People make light of these disorders, but they don't understand what they're really like (myself included)
Equality Shirts & Accessories
YES!!! kids can play as either and it has nothing to do with future sexual preference. chill out people. let your kids play.
Powerful Ad Shows What A Little Girl Hears When You Tell Her She's Pretty
Girls are socialized very early on to focus on being pretty instead of smart. Its so important to nurture a girls intellect as well as her ego.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
When Little Kids Gives Adults a Lesson In Humanity…and 'Chappeau'( take my head of ;) for the good parenting!
don't stereotype me! a campaign run by young people to raise awareness of discrimination. humans are not made in a factory and don't fit in a mold: we are all physically, emotionally, and mentally unique. people are steroetyped through religioun, gender, race, sexuallity. here the struggles are shown on the surface and are tangible as opposed to being delt with emotionally.
VCU Counseling Services
When I was younger and someone would say something about Africa, i used to think awful things like "slums", "sickly", "black". It's actually upsetting know to think I was simply uneducated. I am happy to report that there are actually areas like America there. Where there are black and white children that are happy and free of sickness. While it is known to be a "poorer" country, some people there make a very good wage, and are healthy.
Anger Management
Not all Asians are mathematicians. Not all punks are rebels. Not everyone who changes seeks attention. Don't stereotype people.
Here's a massive Tumblr dump
Everyone, protect everyone! I like it.
sin la mujer no hay revolución
#ArtCrush Rora Blue's new series Handle With Care is an exploration into modern day sexist language and the pressure of stereotypical gender roles. The inventive series aims to take back the language that so often tries to pigeonhole women. #feminism #art
It is just as important to support men and end the masculine stereotypes as it is to support females. << This.