MASSAGE: Sinuses

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Sinus Problems, Sinusitis, Allergies, Headaches and Lymphatic Congestion. Sinus Chart. Philip Chave, Spiritual Healer
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Clear Out Your Sinuses Using Only Your Fingers In A Matter Of Seconds Instead of reaching for medicine, give this a try.
Eye Massage and Lymph Drainage Tutorial
Eye Massage and Lymph Drainage Video Tutorial
The Most Effective Self Lymphatic Drainage Massage For Sinus Congestion | HealYOUnaturally
The Most Effective Self Lymph Drainage Massage For Sinus Congestion | healYOUnaturally
#LJIC TUES-TORIAL TIME!! Does the cold weather or allergies have your sinuses feeling sore & inflamed? Try these 6 easy steps to help bring yourself some minor relief. Thank you to Kelsie H. from La' James International College - Iowa City for giving us these excellent tips! For a closer look & more information visit #LjicIC #TuesTorial #TuesdayTutorial #LjicTutorial
A stiff neck exercise that loosens muscles & tendons to relieve pain.
Natural Sinus Remedies - one pinner said "The head accupressure actually just worked perfectly!" Use these points to determine if non talking person has a headache - get the right spot and they go all gooey - they will also grab your hands and drag them to there head for more