Brand New / Collected / Treats

24 Pins
The Rorschach Effect
Brand New: New Logo and Identity by and for Brandimage
Head West Young Dog
Brand New: New Logo for Western Bulldogs by Canyon
An Open Source Government Logo
Brand New: New Logo for Kansas City, MO, by Single Wing
Brand New: Smile, You are on Friendster (or Not)
Brand New: Smile, You are on Friendster (or Not)
A Star is Reborn
Brand New: New Logo and Identity for Action for Children by ASHA
Square Dance
Brand New: New Logo for Experian
Clip and Roll
Brand New: New Logo and Uniforms for Los Angeles Clippers
I be Confused
Brand New: New Name, Logo, and Identity for IAM RoadSmart by Industry
A Cut above the Guest
Brand New: New Logo and Identity for GuestHouse by & Smith
The Ball is in their Courts
Brand New: New Logo and Identity for Harcourts
For Whom the Bell Troncs
Brand New: New (Old) Name and Logo for Tribune Publishing