
41 Pins
Síntomas más comunes del cáncer de próstata
⚠️ Atención hombres 👇🏼⁣ ⁣ Estos son los síntomas más comunes de #CáncerDePróstata, enfermedad que afecta la salud urinaria, sexual y digestiva.⁣ ⁣ 🔴 Si detectas alguno o varios de ellos, acude a tu médico de inmediato.⁣ ⁣ Y no olvides hacer tus chequeos periódicamente para prevenir cualquier padecimiento 😉⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #diamundialdelcancerdeprostata #saludmasculina #saludsexual #bienestarysalud
Enfermedades de Transmisión sexual más comunes
Semana 16 de embarazo: cambios, síntomas y consejos
Encuentra toda la información sobre la semana 16 de embarazo: cambios en tu bebé, síntomas y consejos para tu bienestar de la mano de una matrona experta.
As a dental laboratory, today’s case made us feel so happy!  This particular dentist knew exactly what kind of smile he wanted his patient to have.  ‘To build her confidence.’ is what was requested.  And that is exactly what we did.  We crafted this patient’s smile to build confidence and make her love the smile she looks at every day in the mirror.  Would you like to help your patients do the same?  Contact us, today. #dentistrylife #dentalcase #allonx
Fixed Denture Implants for New Smile
As a dental laboratory, today’s case made us feel so happy! This particular dentist knew exactly what kind of smile he wanted his patient to have. ‘To build her confidence.’ is what was requested. And that is exactly what we did. We crafted this patient’s smile to build confidence and make her love the smile she looks at every day in the mirror. Would you like to help your patients do the same? Contact us, today. #dentistrylife #dentalcase #allonx