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This form is for students who plan to apply to ATDP but have not yet begun an online application, and who want to give their teacher more time to complete this required step.
You'll need to enter some of this information again when you apply. Depending on how soon you plan to start the online application, you may wish to wait and list your teacher on the application itself instead of sending a request now.
Please note that ATDP does not review seperate letters of recommendation.
You should add your teacher's email to your online application instead of sending them a separate request here.
Go to your online account to access your application
or start over
Make sure you enter the exact same information when you begin your application!
Be sure to enter an email address where you and your family can check for notifications!
Type to search and then click when you have found your school
Be sure you have spoken with your teacher before you send them this request. Remember that your teacher's time is valuable. We recommend sending your teacher this request at least two weeks before you plan to submit your application.
The referral must be completed by a 2024-2025 school year teacher in any academic subject; not fine arts, PE/health, advisory, or extracurricular classes. SD students applying to accelerated math courses must request a referral from their current math teacher. Otherwise, the teacher's academic subject and your ATDP course selection do not need to be related.
If your teacher does not fit into one of these options, select a different teacher. Reach out to if you're unsure. Submitting an ineligible form is a poor use of your teachers' time and WILL significantly delay your application.
Name of the academic course in which this teacher teaches you
Double-check that the address is correct; your teacher won't receive your request email unless you enter it correctly!
We strongly advise that you send your teacher a request for a referral at least two weeks before your intended application submission date. (See deadlines.) Remember that you cannot submit your application without a completed referral.