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The Final Showdown and Monster Roundup

You've been with us for parts one, two, and three of this year's Coolest Cubicle Contest, and now the time has arrived—time for the final vote-off to determine which creative cubicle jockey will hit their commute tomorrow $500 richer (in Amazon bucks). We've got a ton of entries to vote on, so hit the jump, peruse your options, and decide whose cubicle deserves the title of Lifehacker's Coolest Cubicle of 2008.

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Keep in mind, as always, that our polling tool isn't foolproof, but we trust our readers to make it an honest competition. Good luck to all who entered, and may the $500 Amazon gift card go to the most worthy cubicle!

Finally, here's a look back at all of this year's featured submissions for your browsing pleasure, in one giant gallery. Keep an eye open tomorrow, when we'll be announcing the winner.

Coolest Cubicle Contest 2008

Give us your thoughts on which cubicle you think deserves the crown and why in the comments.

UPDATE: The polls will be closed at 9 am PST tomorrow morning, with a winner to be announced tomorrow afternoon.