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Geek to Live: Ban time-wasting web sites

by Gina Trapani

Picture this: I sit down to write a Lifehacker article. "Wonder if anyone at Ask Metafilter knows good software for burning DVDs," I think. Click-click. "Oh look, someone's had a traumatic breakup!" Three hours later, no article's been written, and I want to throw myself out the window. Sound familiar?

A recent reader poll shows that most of you wish you spent less time mindlessly surfing the web. Indeed, if you're reading this right now, at one point or another, you've probably burned a few hours clicking around Wikipedia, Metafilter, Slashdot, Flickr or Bloglines and afterwards hated yourself for it. One of my resolutions in 2006 is to surf more efficiently, which means limiting my surfing "play" time so I can focus on work when necessary. Today I've got two ways to keep yourself from thoughtlessly scampering down the rabbit hole that is the web by limiting your access to day-sucking web sites.

First, identify the biggest offenders - the sites you can spend hours clicking around for no particular reason except boredom, procrastination, or lack of more creative ways to spend your time. For me, two of these sites are Flickr and Metafilter, so I'll use them in my examples. (Sorry Flickr and Metafilter, I love you, but you eat too much of my life.)

Second, pick your poison.

Method 1: Block time-wasting web sites till after lunch

Most of my daily work has to be done in the morning and early afternoon, so that's when I can't afford to waste time looking at what my friend ate for dinner last night on Flickr. After around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, things slow down, so treating myself to a little fun surfing time is ok. To help myself limit unproductive surfing to after 3PM, I put together an "Invisibility Cloak" Greasemonkey user script that turns time-wasting web sites blank before 3PM. Install it here by right-clicking on the link and choosing "Install User Script":

Invisibility Cloak User Script

(Note: this script will only work in Firefox with the Greasemonkey extension installed. See more about using Greasemonkey here.)

This script is auto-configured to work on Metafilter and Flickr. Choose "Manage User Scripts" from Firefox's Tools menu to edit, add and remove sites that should wear the cloak for you.

To change the time your invisibility cloak comes off, save the script to your computer, and open it up in a text editor. Change the number 15 (which represents 3PM) in the line that reads var surf_time_after = 15; to your desired time.

Method 2: Block the sites entirely

Alternately, you can make it harder to visit time-sucking sites, which forces yourself to think, "Do I really have time to do this right now?" Set your computer to block certain sites and make yourself unblock them each time you want to visit. One way to do this is to tell your computer that these sites live on your hard drive - which obviously they don't - and get a "Server not found" error when your fingers impulsively type out that tempting URL. Here's how:


  • Using Notepad or some other text editor, open the file named "hosts", which is located in the following directory:
  • Windows 98\ME = C:\WINDOWS
  • Add the following on its own line in the hosts file, using the sites that apply to you: metafilter.com flickr.com
  • Save and quit.

Mac OS/X

  • In Finder, from the Go menu, choose "Go to folder."
  • In the "Go to the folder" dialog, type "/etc/".
  • From the /etc/ folder window, open the "hosts" file in a text editor.
  • Add the following to the hosts file in its own line, using the site that applies to you: metafilter.com flickr.com
  • Save and quit.

Now, when you visit Metafilter or Flickr, you'll get a "Server Not Found" error. (Or, for those of you running a web server at home, your own server's files will appear.) The advantage to this method is that these sites will be blocked from every browser on that computer (not just Firefox). The downside is that when you decide it's an ok time to browse Flickr or Metafilter, you've got to comment out this line in the hosts file (add a # to the beginning of the line), which can be a pain in the arse. This, of course, may be a good thing. You decide.

Any lifehackers out there have other strategies for curbing the web habit? Let us know in the comments or a tips at lifehacker.com.

Gina Trapani, the editor of Lifehacker, is determined to spend less time hating herself for unproductive surfing in '06. Her semi-weekly feature, Geek to Live, appears every Wednesday and Friday on Lifehacker. Subscribe to the Geek to Live feed to get new installments in your newsreader.