High school ESS

106 Pins
CER Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Writing Strategy Graphic Organizer
CER- Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Use this simple and student friendly graphic organizer to guide students' thinking as they are constructing their written pieces of work using the CER constructed response writing strategy.
3rd Grade Daily Math Fluency with Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
3rd Grade Daily Computation includes practice identifying numbers as odd or even, adding and subtracting fluently within 100, adding up to four two-digit numbers, adding and subtracting within 1,000, and adding and subtracting 10 and 100 to numbers up to 900. Students will also fluently multiply and divide within 100, solve two-step problems, fluently add and subtract within 1,000, and multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 (10-90). Weekly quizzes are also included.
Fidget/Focus Tools Support OT Classroom Intervention ADHD Anxiety
How many of your students who saw substantial gains in regulation in the classroom using a tactile manipulative " fidget tool" have now been banned from using them. Rightfully so because the trend and hype made them all collectible and distractions. This download provides evidence-based best practice, and intervention guidelines to help classroom teachers select, implement, and utilize fidgets effectively in the classroom environment.Therapists can use objective measures when introducing an item
Classroom Cash Economy Management System Kit and Financial Literacy Unit
This resource includes everything you need to get your classroom economy system started in your classroom! This positive management system will change your classroom vibes to the best ever!! WHATS Included: Job Application Job Descriptions Living Expense, Bonuses + Awards, and Fine Forms and examples. Classroom Money- Color - B&W (Print on Colorful paper)- Checks Banking Forms 3 options - Banking Binder Covers Behavior Forms 1 option - Behavior Log Binder Cover - Reflection Forms Teacher Tracking Forms 2 options Stop Signs Kindness Tickets Vocabulary Cards - Half Page Black & White - Half Page Color - Full Page Color - Vocabulary Graphic OrganizerHOW TO USE THIS RESOURCEOne of the best parts of my classroom management system is that it runs itself. This resources includes every
Productive Struggle | A Math-Focused Classroom Community Lesson
Building a math-focused classroom community is my passion! Promote productive struggle in your classroom with this meaningful and simple lesson!*Please note that this lesson is part of two bundles: a bundle of math-focused classroom community lessons and my Math Love Resource Pack! If you'd like to save some money check those out!I think it's so important to lay a foundation in your classroom community that your students will struggle and be challenged in your math classroom, struggling actually
FREE Online Math Manipulatives for At Home Learning | Math Geek Mama
Do you need a virtual tool to help your kids solve math problems? This post includes 25 online math manipulatives to help kids visualize math problems.