Design ufficio

12 Pins
Gallery of Nagatino 2.0 Coworking Center / Ruslan Aydarov Architecture Studio - 27
Gallery of Nagatino 2.0 Coworking Center / Ruslan Aydarov Architecture Studio - 27
Muxin brings the "slowness" of living spaces to a Shanghai office
To make this workspace feel more cosy, Muxin looked to the decor of homes and combined warm materials with leafy green plants.
Commercial & Offices - Office Interiors Progettato daTarek - Bathco's Office Layout & Design 2.0 - CH
Commercial & Offices - Office Interiors Diseñado porTarek - Bathco's Office Layout & Design 2.0 - CH
Commercial & Offices - Office Interiors Diseñado porTarek - Bathco's Office Layout & Design 2.0 - CH | Arcbazar
Tolleson Offices / Huntsman Architectural Group
Floor Plan