👩🏽‍🔬 Physics 👩🏽‍🔬

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AQA Physics [Forces 1] L3
Lesson 3: weight, mass and gravitational field strength #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #forces #physicsforces #forces1 #weight #gravitational #gravity #gravitationalfield #mass #physicsweight
AQA Physics [Forces 1] L7
Lesson 7 : Pressure #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #forces #physicsforces #forces1 #pressure #Physicspressure #force #area
AQA Physics [Particles] L3
Lesson 3 : Specific Latent Heat #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #Specificlatentheat #particles
GCSE Physics Mindmaps
AQA GCSE Science Physics Mindmaps, including topics 4-7 The download includes a total of 7 mindmaps (2 for Topic 4, 2 for Topic 5, 2 for Topic 6, and 1 for Topic 7. These mindmaps fully align with the AQA Specification, including both Combined Science and Triple/Single Science information. Digitally produced using multiple sources such as the specification itself, a variety of videos, and recommended revision guides, as well as the use of the AQA Exam Mark Schemes and previous questions to ensur
AQA Physics [Forces 1] L4
Lesson 4 : work done #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #forces #physicsforces #forces1 #workdone
AQA Physics [Particles] L5
lesson 5: pressure gas laws #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #particles #pressure #gas #pressurelaws #gaslaws #pressureandgaslaws
AQA Physics [Forces 1] L1
Lesson 1 : Classifying Quantities - scalars and vectors #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #forces #physicsforces #forces1 #vectors #scalars #classifyingquantities
AQA Physics [Particles] L4
Lesson 4: specific heat capacity #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #specificheatcapacity #particles
AQA Physics [particles] L2
Lesson 2 : internal energy #aqa #physics #revision #gcse #gcsephysics #notes #particles #internalenergy
AQA Physics [Particles] L4
AQA Physics [Particles] L1