The Last Descendants cover art

English and international book covers for my young adult books - I love the designs the artists have created over the years, so thought I'd share them!
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Greek cover for The Eyes of a King. The publishers went for a symbolic interpretation of the story, but I loved seeing the artist's interpretation of Leo and his military school uniform too.
German cover for The Eyes of a King. The publishers changed the title to Das Lied von Malonia (Song of Malonia) - very poetic!
German cover for Voices in the Dark (retitled Children of Malonia) - a very different take on the story, but one I like. I think the woman is probably Maria carrying Anselm, to represent the way the past haunts the new generation in this story.
Estonian cover for The Eyes of a King. The only cover which actually uses a picture of the book Leo found in the snow and I really like this idea.
Dutch version of The Eyes of a King. The cover is meant to look like the book Leo found in the snow - such a beautiful design.
US and Canadian cover for The Eyes of a King. I was very lucky that Cliff Nielsen, who had just finished illustrating the Chronicles of Narnia covers, was able to design the cover art for The Eyes of a King.
Spanish cover of The Eyes of a King
Italian cover for The Eyes of a King. This is the only translation I'm actually able to read!
UK cover for The Eyes of a King. An adaptation of Cliff Nielsen's design.
UK cover of Voices in the Dark. Cliff Nielsen's artwork is still included, but adapted.
This isn't really a book cover! It's my current writing notebook, which will eventually contain my ideas for whatever comes after The Last Descendants...