Growth Mindset/Mindfulness/Brain Breaks

32 Pins
Schoolwide Mindfulness Activities: Creating Schoolwide Mindful Practices
Want to encourage mindful practices throughout your school community? Read up on these schoolwide mindfulness activities you can use in elementary school, middle school, an high school. Teach your students to set mindful daily intentions, practice mindful breathing, and practice mindfulness in the classroom and in everyday moments.
Help Kids Set Intentions
How to help kids set intentions: want to help your kids or counseling students set daily intentions? Read this to get a conversational guide to use in your mindful mornings group, morning meeting, classroom guidance, morning assembly, or just morning conversation to help kids think about their daily intentions. Begin each day with this mindfulness activity in your school counseling practice or with your kids to help kids mindfully focus on their goals for the day! - Counselor Keri
Made this today for my 5th grade students. Some of those math whizzes are getting a bit big for their britches.
I like this a lot, except I'd be cautious about using "good" there. I know some anxious students who would feel like they were automatically bad at math because they couldn't do all that yet.
Growth Mindset Goal Setting, Data Tracking, and Reflection in a Google Classroom
How do you help students develop a growth mindset? Give them the opportunity to set goals, track their data growth, and reflect. This paperless customizable technology resource gives your students a digital journal to use year round in your Google classroom using Google Slides.
Growth Mindset Activities - Classroom Challenge Activity and Bulletin Board
Help students develop a growth mindset with this classroom challenge that includes 20 engaging activities. The activities are meant to encourage resilience, hard-work, dedication, and improvement. Teachers set up the "Growth Mindset Classroom Challenge" bulletin board display that includes 20 hidden activity prompts. Once a challenge is revealed, the teacher finds the corresponding activity in the folder, passes it out to the class, and they are ready to go!
Growth Mindset Encouraging Positive Notes from the Teacher: Sticky Notes Version
Do you teach your students about growth mindset? These sticky notes from the teacher are the perfect complement to my other growth mindset products, including affirmation posters, flip books, and a growth mindset privacy office! Easy to use for teachers and very beneficial for students, these rewarding notes will reinforce your students for incorporating growth mindset concepts into their daily lives.