Boxer Dogs

399 Pins
Everyone meet Lou! Brought this lil guy home yesterday and he’s already inseparable from his big sister Ginny
Everyone meet Lou! Brought this lil guy home yesterday and hes already inseparable from his big sister Ginny #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Picture says 1000 words... or just one... Boxer.
Picture says 1000 words... or just one... Boxer. #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Josie just likes holding the ball
Josie just likes holding the ball #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Got pinecone?
Got pinecone? #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Hello, 👋 I just joined! This is Bella on her throne; she loves to be cozy with lots of blankets and pillows. I’m so excited to see everyone's boxer love.
Hello I just joined! This is Bella on her throne; she loves to be cozy with lots of blankets and pillows. Im so excited to see everyone's boxer love. #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Tuckered #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Putting on my best emotional blackmail face for Daddy
Putting on my best emotional blackmail face for Daddy #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Wonky puppy ears
Wonky puppy ears #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
We were told that our girl Sammy had 1 month to live, 6 months ago. She’s been kicking cancer’s butt and enjoying every minute! She is pure love and joy ❤️
We were told that our girl Sammy had 1 month to live 6 months ago. Shes been kicking cancers butt and enjoying every minute! She is pure love and joy #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Biggest Hands on the Block
Biggest Hands on the Block #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
This boy is growing up beautifully 😍 I have never met a smarter, kinder, wigglier, sweet pup in my life. So lucky he chose me to be his human!
This boy is growing up beautifully I have never met a smarter kinder wigglier sweet pup in my life. So lucky he chose me to be his human! #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Just one more picture of my girl Ruthie, aka, Ruth Biter Ginsberg, Ruth the Tooth, Ruthie Toothy Fresh and Fruity.
Just one more picture of my girl Ruthie aka Ruth Biter Ginsberg Ruth the Tooth Ruthie Toothy Fresh and Fruity. #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
Obeying neither the spirit nor the letter of the law . . .
Obeying neither the spirit nor the letter of the law . . . #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
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Friday night snuggles #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs
New Adventure. Day 66.
New Adventure. Day 66. #Boxer #Boxers #BoxerDogs