Intellectual Health

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How to Build and improve your Intellectual Health? Intellectual Health importance!!
Intellectual health and wellness is crucial to maintain a healthy life with Happiness and success. Without intellectual health, your health as a whole would not be not completed. Intellectual health encourages learning by stimulating curiosity.Intellectual health has a huge impact on your mental& emotional health and leading a healthy life in the society. Here is a view about intellectual health and wellness. #intellectualhealth #mind #mentalhealth #achievements #success #doctorgko #rajiarabi
Problem Solving Skills
Problem-solving skills in relation to health.
Practical ways to get out of your comfort zone
Your Belief system is the main reason for staying in your comfort zone. What is a Comfort Zone? How to overcome it?
How to manage your time effectively - Time Management Tips & Tricks
How to manage your time effectively? Here are the some tips & Tricks to manage your time effectively #timemanagement #managingtime #time #doctorgko #rajiarabi #wellness
How to be more confident - Improve your Self-confidence by these tips & Tricks
How to be more confident? Here are some tips and tricks to imrove yur confident level.#confidence #selfconfidence #intellectualwellness #doctorgko #rajiarabi #confident
Track your progress - Persistence wont win always
We used to hear that persistence always win. But how and why these persistence won’t win always!! Why persistaence fails? Why perseverance fails? Why it is important to track your progress. Click the link to read the intersesting story. #doctorgko #rajiarabi #persistence #hardwork #perseverance #intellectualwellness
Brain Neuroplasticity - Reason for your Habits & Addictions
Neuroplasticity is ability of the brain to adapt to change in an individual environment by forming neural connections over time. People used to believe that the brain became fixed after certain age, but research revealed that brain never stops changing in response to learning. Neuroplasticity is the reason for your Habits & Addictions #neuroplasticity #brain #habits #addictions #doctorgko #rajiarabi
How to recover quickly from problem? 9 tips to build resilience
Life is not giving as much as what we have expected, there are so many twists & turns!! In Everyday life ,Each one facing so many challenging events like Job loss, Financial crisis, Threatening accidents, Death of loved ones. Each events has an unique impact on Personal, Professional & Social Growth through variety of Experienced & Expressed Emotions. Bouncing Back from this difficulties quickly is Resilience. #resilience #mentalstrength #lifelesson #doctorgko #rajiarabi.
Simple ways to get out from Comfort zone
Comfort zone is not to be a comfortable one for a longer period. Comfort zone makes you stagnated where you are in your life and obstruct you from what you want in your life. Comfort zone has a huge impact on your overall health. People are who are intellectually healthy never be in a comfort zone, as they know it deteriorates their overall health at one point. This article, we will see tips or steps to get out of comfort zone #comfortzone #habits
Personal development plan II Self Development guidelines for your life
Self development / Personal Development is crucial for both personal and professonal growth. Self development/ Personal development is a process and you are improving from your previous version.This article provides you an idea about Self-development in general and gives knowledge about where to start & where to focus when you are in Self-development journey .#selfdevelopment #personaldevelopment #doctorgko #rajiarabi #personaldevelopmentplan #selfdevelpmentideas #intellectualhealth
Goal Setting rule - Easy steps to achieve your goals
Goal is a dream with deadline. Goal is not an objective, Goal is not a resolution, Goal is not an achievement, and Goal is not a success. But if you want success, setting goals and achieving the same is important. Without goals, there is no direction and motivation. This article, we are going to see about goal setting and achieving your goals faster. Goal setting guidelines and steps to achieve your goals faster #goalsetting #achievinggoals #goals #rajiarabi #doctorgko #successformula
How to train your Brain for Success? II 15 ways to train your brain
Brain is one of the important organs in our body that serves as the center of Nervous system. Mind is associated with Brain in which brain is the physical part and mind is related to mental state. So brain plays a major role in your health, your habits, Happiness and success. This article is all about how to train your brain consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously in a healthy way to focus, to stay positive, to success. #trainyourbrain #success #mind #successformula #doctorgko #rajiarabi
How to be more Productive? Productivity Hacks for successful business and Healthy lifestyle
Have you ever wondered why our to- do lists get prolonged, why we cannot able to reach our targets, why everything get delayed. The main reason is decreased productivity that too after this pandemic, being productive in our daily chores is challenging. Let’s see some hacks for being productive to change your life and witness success in your business and life #productivity #productivityhacks #intellectualhealth #healthylifestyle #doctorgko #rajiarabi #lifestylehacks