habitat project

21 Pins
diorama mojave desert
Cute shoe box diorama made with some sand (found at hobby stores), paper (craft stores), and fake trees/bushes (also found at hobby stores)
line art for...
VECTOR SKETCHES AND TOILE | line art for... on Pinterest | Celtic, Coloring Pages and Vector ...
Blue Whale diorama. Super easy! Background from fish department at Walmart. Elmer's glue to secure sand on the bottom. Sponges and seashells hot glued into place. Whale held on by long screws through back (with a small metal bracket on the back to help secure/support the weight). Box painted blue. Whale purchased from Amazon.com.
Rainforest Diorama...our final product. My son, Samy, is so excited!
Ocean dioramas
ocean diorama | ocean shoebox diorama | ocean diorama for kids
Cantinho Pedagógico da Sil... - Cantinho Pedagógico da Sil
Ocean diorama, shows above and below the water