Parenting - Special Needs (HDYDI)

Articles and stories of children with Special Needs
78 Pins
DIY Chewelry for Kids Who Chew on Everything {Oral Motor Sensory Hacks for Kids}
A collection of DIY chew toys for sensory kids!
Kids Who Can't Play at the Playground… By Design | How Do You Do It?
Wood chip ground cover isn't accessible to children with mobility-related disabilities.
This Mom's Pregnancy Selfies Are Beautiful And Unique For Powerful Reason
This mom's pergnancy selfies with an ileostomy bag go far to normalize #specialneeds.
Educational Advocacy: Part Five
Educational Advocacy: Good record keeping is essential for advocating for your child with special needs.
Educational Advocacy: Part Five
Does your child have educational special needs. How do you keep on top of all the paperwork? Great ideas from CCA Kids Blog: Educational Advocacy: Record Keeping
To the Mom Facing Raising a Special Needs Child
To the mom raising a special needs child.
(Giveaway) Honor A with The Barefoot Book of Children | How Do You Do It?
Remember A, who passed away this week just before his 5th birthday. If you win this #giveaway, please share the book with children in your life. #celebratediversity
How an Innovative School Helped my Autistic Son - AT: Parenting Survival for All Ages
Not all children learn or interact the same way. Eventually we found a school that not only got him. They helped him thrive!
All This and Babies, Too?: Leaving the NICU with Medical Equipment | How Do You Do It?
"Take everything anyone gives you." Wisdom from a #specialneeds mother.
All This and Babies, Too?: Leaving the NICU with Medical Equipment | How Do You Do It?
No nonsense advice on taking your baby home from the NICU with medical equipment from a mom who has been there.
10 Sensory Red Flags You Might Be Missing
This post really helped me to understand my own child plus view some of my tutoring students through a different lens.
Autistic triplets. They're currently non verbal, but mum is hoping for that to change.
We're Not as Normal as We Look: The Reality of Parenting a Child with Sensory Processing Disorder
Things might look normal from the outside, but when your child has sensory processing disorder (SPD) normal is a distant memory.
Helping Hyperactive Kids - A Sensory Integration Approach
Book: Helping Hyperactive Kids - A Sensory Integration Approach: Techniques and Tips for Parents and Professionals