RC Airplane Transmitters

Transmitters have come a long way from the old days of the "Reed System" to the ones nowadays that look more like a laptop or tablet than a radio!
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Which 72Mhz Radio Language is best for you?
PCM and PPM systems operate over the same 72Mhz carrier frequency. Just think of the 72Mhz carrier frequency as a phone line. PCM and PPM are simply different languages, but use the same "telephone line" to communicate.
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I have not flown RC for 30 years. I have a vintage Futaba 72.xxx 6 channel: the TRX model #FP-T6EN (FP-6EN) and the receiver is a model #FP-R6F – Mode-1
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I'm looking for a piper cub or equivalent to it that will accommodate a 400 size gearbox electric motor and micro servos. I've got a Futaba 4 channel