xmas crafts

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1.2M views · 48K reactions | ✨Tutorial for Oversized Ornaments! Edit to add: I also tied a knot under the white bowl to secure those ends of the twine to make it extra secure when... | By Barefoot & Freckled, LLCFacebook
1.2M views · 48K reactions | ✨Tutorial for Oversized Ornaments! Edit to add: I also tied a knot under the white bowl to secure those ends of the twine to make it extra secure when... | By Barefoot & Freckled, LLCFacebook
MUST SEE 9 High End Christmas Decor Compilations For Your Inspiration
MUST SEE 9 High End Christmas Decor Compilations For Your Inspiration
MUST SEE 9 High End Christmas Decor Compilations For Your Inspiration
MUST SEE 9 High End Christmas Decor Compilations For Your Inspiration
Brilliant Christmas in July DIY using Dollar Tree Glass Bowls #diy #dollartree #christmasinjuly
164K views · 5.1K reactions | Light Up Snowman DIY | This Light Up Snowman DIY was one of the most recreated projects from last Christmas! | By We Craft Around | Hey guys, it's Beth. Today I'll be using this plastic candy jar. These stickers hat, faux snow Mod Podge in an LED light. I took the plastic candy jar which is from Dollar Tree. It's a larger one. They do have a smaller size but I used the larger one. I poured Mod Podge on the inside of it and used a sponge to spread it around and apply it all throughout the inside. Once I had it covered, I poured in the faux snow and just shook the around and twisted it until it had all of the Mod Podge covered with the faux snow. And then I just poured out the excess. And then took these little snowman face stickers which I get from Amazon and I wanted to use this larger set and the eyes were connected and I didn't like how close they were so I ended up just trimming them up with my detailing scissors that I get from Dollar Tree once I had them trimmed I just placed them on one of the flat sides of the jar as well as the little nose and mouth. And then I took this LED push light that I got from Dollar Tree. Put some batteries in it. And then removed the cover on the sticky part. Placed it on the inside of the jar. And then I took this hat that I got from Dollar Tree. And I took some fiber fill and just filled it in with a baggy and sealed the baggy. I didn't want to put it directly in the hat because I didn't want the fiber fill to get everywhere when you're removing it to turn the light on. Turned the light on. Placed it down on the candy jar. Placed down the hat. Just stretched it out until it covered it. Then I added in some Velcro just to keep it into place on one side. And that is it for this project. Super easy, cute, and inexpensive. Thank you guys so much for watching.
164K views · 5.1K reactions | Light Up Snowman DIY | This Light Up Snowman DIY was one of the most recreated projects from last Christmas! | By We Craft Around | Hey guys, it's Beth. Today I'll be using this plastic candy jar. These stickers hat, faux snow Mod Podge in an LED light. I took the plastic candy jar which is from Dollar Tree. It's a larger one. They do have a smaller size but I used the larger one. I poured Mod Podge on the inside of it and used a sponge to spread it around and apply it all throughout the inside. Once I had it covered, I poured in the faux snow and just shook the around and twisted it until it had all of the Mod Podge covered with the faux snow. And then I just poured out the excess. And then took these little snowman face stickers which I get from Amazon and I
164K views · 5.1K reactions | Light Up Snowman DIY | This Light Up Snowman DIY was one of the most recreated projects from last Christmas! | By We Craft Around | Hey guys, it's Beth. Today I'll be using this plastic candy jar. These stickers hat, faux snow Mod Podge in an LED light. I took the plastic candy jar which is from Dollar Tree. It's a larger one. They do have a smaller size but I used the larger one. I poured Mod Podge on the inside of it and used a sponge to spread it around and apply it all throughout the inside. Once I had it covered, I poured in the faux snow and just shook the around and twisted it until it had all of the Mod Podge covered with the faux snow. And then I just poured out the excess. And then took these little snowman face stickers which I get from Amazon and I wanted to use this larger set and the eyes were connected and I didn't like how close they were so I ended up just trimming them up with my detailing scissors that I get from Dollar Tree once I had them trimmed I just placed them on one of the flat sides of the jar as well as the little nose and mouth. And then I took this LED push light that I got from Dollar Tree. Put some batteries in it. And then removed the cover on the sticky part. Placed it on the inside of the jar. And then I took this hat that I got from Dollar Tree. And I took some fiber fill and just filled it in with a baggy and sealed the baggy. I didn't want to put it directly in the hat because I didn't want the fiber fill to get everywhere when you're removing it to turn the light on. Turned the light on. Placed it down on the candy jar. Placed down the hat. Just stretched it out until it covered it. Then I added in some Velcro just to keep it into place on one side. And that is it for this project. Super easy, cute, and inexpensive. Thank you guys so much for watching.
164K views · 5.1K reactions | Light Up Snowman DIY | This Light Up Snowman DIY was one of the most recreated projects from last Christmas! | By We Craft Around | Hey guys, it's Beth. Today I'll be using this plastic candy jar. These stickers hat, faux snow Mod Podge in an LED light. I took the plastic candy jar which is from Dollar Tree. It's a larger one. They do have a smaller size but I used the larger one. I poured Mod Podge on the inside of it and used a sponge to spread it around and apply it all throughout the inside. Once I had it covered, I poured in the faux snow and just shook the around and twisted it until it had all of the Mod Podge covered with the faux snow. And then I just poured out the excess. And then took these little snowman face stickers which I get from Amazon and I
108K views · 57K reactions | Dollar Tree 4ft stacked Bowl Ornament DIY! Full tutorial on my YouTube channel. Used 6 large clear plastic bowls, 4 smaller grooved bowls, a broom handle, large solar ornament, zip tie, and Superglue all from the @dollartree. Love this High End Look that didn’t break the bank! #bowl #bowldiy #stacked #stackedornaments #topiary #christmasornament #dollartree #dollartreediy #dollartreechristmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasdecoration #diychristmas #diylawnornaments #dollartreebowldiy #holidaydecor #holidaydecordiy #holidaydiy | Auntie Coo Coo on YouTube | coocooauntie · Original audio
108K views · 57K reactions | Dollar Tree 4ft stacked Bowl Ornament DIY! Full tutorial on my YouTube channel. Used 6 large clear plastic bowls, 4 smaller grooved bowls, a broom handle, large solar ornament, zip tie, and Superglue all from the @dollartree. Love this High End Look that didn’t break the bank! #bowl #bowldiy #stacked #stackedornaments #topiary #christmasornament #dollartree #dollartreediy #dollartreechristmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasdecoration #diychristmas #diylawnornaments #dollartreebowldiy #holidaydecor #holidaydecordiy #holidaydiy | Auntie Coo Coo on YouTube | coocooauntie · Original audio
108K views · 57K reactions | Dollar Tree 4ft stacked Bowl Ornament DIY! Full tutorial on my YouTube channel. Used 6 large clear plastic bowls, 4 smaller grooved bowls, a broom handle, large solar ornament, zip tie, and Superglue all from the @dollartree. Love this High End Look that didn’t break the bank! #bowl #bowldiy #stacked #stackedornaments #topiary #christmasornament #dollartree #dollartreediy #dollartreechristmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasdecoration #diychristmas #diylawnornaments #dollartreebowldiy #holidaydecor #holidaydecordiy #holidaydiy | Auntie Coo Coo on YouTube | coocooauntie · Original audio
108K views · 57K reactions | Dollar Tree 4ft stacked Bowl Ornament DIY! Full tutorial on my YouTube channel. Used 6 large clear plastic bowls, 4 smaller grooved bowls, a broom handle, large solar ornament, zip tie, and Superglue all from the @dollartree. Love this High End Look that didn’t break the bank! #bowl #bowldiy #stacked #stackedornaments #topiary #christmasornament #dollartree #dollartreediy #dollartreechristmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasdecoration #diychristmas #diylawnornaments #dollartreebowldiy #holidaydecor #holidaydecordiy #holidaydiy | Auntie Coo Coo on YouTube | coocooauntie · Original audio
Micha Eiber on Instagram: "ORANGENWINDLICHTER ♡ Muss zugeben, gerade bin ich so gern drinnen. Eigentlich ist es genau andersrum. Aber wenn's draußen so ungemütlich und nass ist genieße ich die Zeit um Haus und was ich gestern mit den Mädels dann noch gemacht habe - kleine Windlichter aus Orangen ♡ stehen jetzt auf unserem Wohnzimmertisch ♡ und machen uns ein gemütliches Licht und eine kleine Laterne für draußen ist auch noch entstanden. Bin gespannt wie sie euch gefallen ♡ Habt einen wunderbaren Sonntag ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ #candleholder #bougeoir #windlicht #lysholder #ljusstake #lampion #svícen #candelabro #castiçal #oranges #orange #oranges #sinaasappels #appelsiner #apelsin #pomarańcze #oranže #arance #naranjas #laranjas"
58K views · 2.3K reactions | Mit wenigen Dingen habe ich diesen Loop aufgepimpt ✨ Aus Easy-Sticks @easy_sticks_diy einfach eine Art „Podest“ für meine mit Raysin gegossenen Häuser und dem super süßen Truck gebastelt. Wer mag kann diesen noch mit Trockenblumen oder einer Lichterkette dekorieren 🤩 Hier sind dem Dekoherz keine Grenzen gesetzt. Liebs! 🤎 Wie findet ihr den Loop? #easysticks #easy_sticks_diy #klötzchenfieber #klötzchenliebe #woodcrafts #wooddecor #klötzchendiy #diywood #bastelnmitholz #kreativsein #diydecor #bastelzeit #diytutorial #raysindeko #lichthäuser #rayherhobby #homedesign #mitliebegemacht #inspiration #dekoideen #doityourself #trending #dekodiy #trendingsongs #einrichtungsideen #holzdeko #klötzchen | • Michaela & Nico 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼• Cookie 🐶 • Mr.Pokee 🦔 | Dmitriy Sevostyanov · Magical Fantasy
58K views · 2.3K reactions | Mit wenigen Dingen habe ich diesen Loop aufgepimpt ✨ Aus Easy-Sticks @easy_sticks_diy einfach eine Art „Podest“ für meine mit Raysin gegossenen Häuser und dem super süßen Truck gebastelt. Wer mag kann diesen noch mit Trockenblumen oder einer Lichterkette dekorieren 🤩 Hier sind dem Dekoherz keine Grenzen gesetzt. Liebs! 🤎 Wie findet ihr den Loop? #easysticks #easy_sticks_diy #klötzchenfieber #klötzchenliebe #woodcrafts #wooddecor #klötzchendiy #diywood #bastelnmitholz #kreativsein #diydecor #bastelzeit #diytutorial #raysindeko #lichthäuser #rayherhobby #homedesign #mitliebegemacht #inspiration #dekoideen #doityourself #trending #dekodiy #trendingsongs #einrichtungsideen #holzdeko #klötzchen | • Michaela & Nico 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼• Cookie 🐶 • Mr.Pokee 🦔 | Dmitriy S