Crochet stitches

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Adventskalender für "Fashionistas 2.0" - acht zauberhafte Modelle
Adventskalender für "Fashionistas 2.0" - acht zauberhafte Modelle
This may contain: someone's hand is holding on to a white string
How to make a Romanian Cord
I wanted to crochet a waist cord for the Desire Dress, perfect for wearing as a summer cover-up instead of a belt at the beach. I couldn't decide on the type of cord until I remembered the beautiful Romanian cord pattern. Being Romanian, I'm familiar with this pattern from my childhood when I made countless meters of it for my mom's doilies. Surprisingly, I only discovered its name a few years ago. As I crocheted the cord for the Desire Dress, I thought it would be a great idea to film the
This may contain: two hands are holding an object with green string
Learn the Foundation Half Double Crochet (Chainless Foundation)
Learn how to do a foundation half double crochet with this full step by step tutorial. You'll kiss those long starting chains goodbye once you learn the hdc chainless foundation. Click to go directly to the tutorial by Stitching Together.