Story Idea

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When was a child I was afraid of the moon. I used to think that the sky was a giant raven and the moon changing phases was its slowly blinking eye, watching me. Draw the giant space raven mudwhisker This one gave me a lot of inspiration ea drawing-prompt-s SKY RAVEN! HECK YEAHI Favorite bird and an awesome concept? Heck yeah. Awesome art? Double heck yeah!! Thank you so much for sharing this with the rest of us! I love it so much! @absoluteradman If this is not an idea for a short story, I don't know what is @rawing-prompt-s turning @writing-prompt-s @ writing-prompt-s We need a story, amigos! BB tophertv Corvids collect treasures. Shiny things, pretty things, precious things. And what could be more precious than life? Life which learns. Life which grows. Life which builds. Life needs to be coddled at first, of course. Giant space birds don't just pop out of the vacuum, ready to take wing on the stellar winds and soar through the universe. Life needs time, and air, and a shield from solar radiation- life needs a planet. And a planet doesn't produce a race of giant vacuum defying corvids in a millennium. So the Raven settled in to wait. And wait a long time, it did. It didn't mind. The Raven had always been a patient bird, a watchful bird. It stared down upon the planet, slowly blinking, always watching, The Raven watched as the planet was settled by its ken. They moved from treetop to treetop, forest to forest, spanning all across the world. The Raven watched as the corvids learned cognizance, understanding, and communication. The Raven watched as the other animals settled into their usual roles. But then The Raven saw something strange The direwolves and the direbears were not hunting their prey, the humans, as well as they should have been. And the humans were changing- they began to make their nests in places they normally wouldn't. They began to construct farms, and villages, and towns, and cities! And the corvids, intelligent as they were, watched the humans develop and build and create- and settled into a role as scavengers! 'The Raven was perplexed! The strangest chain of events unfolded as the humans began to dominate the world. They spread and spread, growing and growing, conquering and settling the world as if they were the corvids, and the corvids were left in the dust! The Raven was confused, and concemned. Perhaps it should do something to right this scenario. Perhaps it should reach down and correct this mistake. But then, perhaps not? Mayhap the direwolves and direbears would rise up and strike down the humans after a while. Mayhap the corvids would rise up in the humans wake and take their place at the top of the food chain. 'And yet, as The Raven watched, this seemed less and less likely. And then in the blink of an eye, the predators were gone. The direwolves were hunted to extinction, the direbears driven to the poles, and the lesser wolves, domesticated! Domesticated by the humans, of all things! The Raven felt outrage, disgust, and disappointment. With a sigh and a caw, it spread its wings to catch the wind and float away, in search of some new treasure, some new planet. And then it saw. The Raven blinked. It paused, midflight, to be certain. And there it was. A point, no smaller than a pin-prick, of light Real, genuine light. Not from the stars, but from the planet itself. From the humans, They had discovered electricity The Raven watched, perplexed and amazed, as the planet spun. When a part of the planet drifted from the light to the dark, the lights would come on. And when that part faced the sun again, the lights would go back out The Raven folded its wings. It let the flow of gravity take it, spinning around the planet, always watching, slowly blinking. And as it spun, the world began to glow. The planet, when darkened, would shine. The humans made it shine. The Raven let out a joyous cry! What greater treasure could there be than life which was shiny? And with contentment, The Raven still floats, watching us. And though we are not corvids, we are still precious. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Your writing is amazing, - iFunny