
Everything you can imagine about cells!
11 Pins
Vacuoles are not only found in plant, but animal cells too!! Vacuoles are a cell organelle that stores such as, water, protein, and carbs. The vacuole is like a refrigerator!
OMG! That cell wall is sooo strong. He protects and supports the plant cell. Without him the plant cell would not be able to maintain its shape. #rigidlayerrox
Did you know photosynthesis takes place in the Chloroplast? Photosynthesis is where plants make their own food! So cool! #photosynthesis #plantcells
Fascinating! Who would have ever thought that the nucleus is only found in eukaryotic cells, and has the majority of the cell's important stuff like genetic materials!! It includes DNA, RNA, and everything that makes you, you!!! :D
Woah! Who knew that the cell membrane is just like a gate?! It controls what goes in and out of the cell!
Oh my gosh.... The mitochondria produces energy currency of the cell!!! I wonder why I'm so energetic.... Oh wait! The mitochondria must be working hard!! :P #energy #mitochondria #excited
OMG!!! Who knew cytoplasm was just like jelly??? It's made up of mostly water and salt! It fills the cell... So cool!! #pbandJELLY
Wow! I learn something new everyday!!! Today I learned that ribosomes make protein for our body! Ohhh, that's where it comes from!
I got one less problem with the endoplasmic reticulum doing its job! If it weren't for the endoplasmic reticulum, there would rarely be anything in the cell moving. That wouldn't be so good... #thanksendoplasmicreticulum
OWWW!! My tummy hurts, but I know why!! The lysosome is responsible for digestion. I don't think it's doing a great job :(
The golgi body is just like UPS!!! Ahhh, this is so cool, it packages and transports materials everywhere in the cell!!! SO COOL!!! #golgibody>UPS