
158 Pins
It’s not a dirty or shameful thing. And it doesn’t cancel out our love. #NonmonogamyEducation #NonmonogamyTip #polyamorous #SelfLove #RelationshipsEducator
FLEXIBILITY is the biggest benefit of non-monogamy, in my opinion. Not only can I customise my romantic relationships but I can now negotiate everything with everyone else too. I have such a vast array of options available to me that I didn't before, and that's beautiful. Credit @jet_blakk
I’m just as capable of commitment as anyone else! Credit @michalightning #PolyamoryEducation #LoveAdvice #NonmonogamyEducation #OpenRelationship
oop - 🫢 Credit @zoeskydiamonds Want more content? You can support my work in non-monogamy education and awareness by checking out the l!nk in my b!o, where you’ll find out about my peer support service, merch, podcast, and much more 🌈 #NonmonogamyTip #SexPositivity #PolyamorousRelationship #polyamorous #PolyamoryTip