Pre Music-K&1

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Let's Learn Percussions - A Fun Musical unit with songs and games for young ones
Let's Learn about Percussions - A Fun Musical unit with songs and games for young learnersIn this exciting percussion unit, kids will learn about the names of percussion instruments and how they are played! The main part of the lesson is a musical game where the kids will march around in a circle to the song "I am a Fine Musician." During special parts of the song, kids holding a particular instrument get to play a solo. The activity has been a hit in my classes and I believe it will be in yours
This may contain: a man standing in front of a blue and green background with music notes on it
Can you clap along this rhythm? 👏
In today's clap along rhythm, we'll be mixing quarter notes and 8th notes. Can you clap along?
Rhythm & Bloom by Cori Bloom | Music Listening Lessons (Rhythmandbloom)
William Tell Overture Activity
It’s time to learn about dynamics Lone Ranger style with the William Tell Overture. I love using the William Tell Overture to teach dynamics because the students immediately recognize the song and the contrasts in dynamics are so clear. Today I want to share with you a couple activities you can use with your students to teach dynamics, form and more with the William Tell Overture by Rossini.
Chicken in a Cup — All for the Boys
You know you love noisemakers! The cup acts as an amplifier for the vibrations you make with a wet paper towel and string making it sound sort of like a chicken!
Teacher Tuesday: lesson ideas for teaching rhythm
Teacher Tuesday: teaching letter names of notes on the staff (part 2) | Organized Chaos
Body Rhythm Review Singing Time Idea - Camille's Primary Ideas
Camille's Primary Ideas: Review any songs as children keep the beat with various rhythm pattern cards, body rhythm Primary singing time review activity
Composers Digital Music Lessons on Google Slides GROWING BUNDLE
Composers Digital Music Lessons on Google Slides GROWING BUNDLE | TPT