Anything from poems to feminist stuff

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Wednesday wisdom
PREACH. finally someone fixed this poster... Always wear what you want, what you like @ any moment. find your own style. don't be anybody else but you!!!!!!!
Picture memes L5Gx9eNT2 by ChefDoggo_2014: 55 comments - iFunny :)
whether it's this or dress codes, the oppression of women across the board needs to stop, and telling one group of oppressed women not to complain because they could always have it worse isn't helpful, it's a THREAT. Oppression is not a competition.
I hope this is real and the 911 dispatchers actually know. But I'm also worried abusive people will see this and know that they're doing.
Sunworldstories: l learned yesterday that when you see a bee on the ground that isn’t moving, it’s not necessarily dead, it’s probably just dead tired from carrying lots of pollen and needs re-energising. So if you mix a tiny bit of water with some sugar and let it drink it will give it the boost it needs to continue on its way. Bizarrely, this exact thing happened today! I found a knackered bee, mixed up some sugar water, gave it a drink and watched it guzzle and guzzle then - iFunny
Tumblr Aww, reminds me of the time I saw a drunk bee.
Feminism is for all genders not just women-- and in chime people saying "he should have liked it"
im not a feminist, i just like this takedown of modern feminism. >> I'm a feminist. And this really needs to be said.