21st Century Post-Modern Art Ed Lessons

[LTC 8765 Artistic Thinking Pinterest Transformation links go here. Add a photo of your exemplar or other image that links to your blog entry.] Art Lessons that embody 21st century ideals and post modern thinking. Using Big Ideas, Enduring Understandings, and asking kids to think deeply about the creative process & art. Technology-rich, inquiry-based, student-led art experiences for all. *If you wish to be a collaborator and co-conspirator on this board, email me or share with me.
22 Pins
Poster by Agusta Agustsson‎ in Midwest TAB-Choice Art Teachers, with a nod to Julie Toole. (pinning here so I can see at school)
Let’s get rid of Art Education in schools.
Danny Gregory - 'Let's get rid of Art Education in Schools' Embracing creative process.
Huge Printable Art Advocacy List! What Do Artists Do? -
What Artists Do: Art Advocacy Posters
Process over product in Art Education: A Student Centered Approach to Making Art
This presentation highlights how to create more flow in a students' art making process. Emphasizing process over product in art education creates a student ce…
www.mandaladrawer.com can be used to teach about radial symmetry and the Buddhist ritual of Mandala creation
Advertising lesson from an element within an overall UNIT of instruction in 4th Grade art with the big idea-COMMUNITY. Students paint their bowls, appropriating an artists style, to sell at a community fundraiser to support our local food pantry. In this lesson, students are focusing on designing a marketing piece with intent to persuade someone to purchase his or her bowl at the event. Student choice is a big element within this lesson, and focuses on 21st-Century Learning skills.
Pinterest Re-Made
"Stash of Trash" Taking trash to create big ideas in the art room.
Pinterest Transformation! Revamped version of Brown Bag Biography!