Science Projects For Kids

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Leaf propelled by ink experiment. For this experiment all you need is : - container with water (bowl, plate) - leaves - pens (take the pen apart so you can add the ink to the leaves) 📸 @ccandlaylay Follow @groundedk12 #STEMEducation #SummerLearning #CulturalHeritage #africansindiaspora #blackparents #summerlessons #summerbooks #summerlearning #FutureLeaders #Innovation #scienceexperiments #scienceathome #toddleractivities #stemeducation #homeschooling
DIY Snowstorm in a Jar!
What You’ll Need: A jar with 1/4 cup water + white paint Another jar filled 3/4 with baby oil Twisty Droppers Iridescent glitter (optional, but so sparkly!) Alka-Seltzer tablets How To: 1️⃣ Use the Twisty Droppers to add the paint-water mixture into the baby oil jar. 2️⃣ Sprinkle in some glitter for an extra magical touch (not too much!). 3️⃣ Break the Alka-Seltzer tab into quarters, drop them in, and watch the swirling blizzard come to life! 🔬 The Science Behind It: Oil and water don’t mix! The paint-water mixture sinks through the oil because it’s denser, creating snow-like streaks. Adding Alka-Seltzer creates fizzing carbon dioxide bubbles, which lift the water back up before releasing it—making your snowstorm swirl and shimmer! 🌟
Elephant Toothpaste Science Experiment | Fun and Easy Recipe!
This elephant toothpaste experiment is SO COOL! It's such a great STEM activity for at school or at home. Both kids and adults will be amazed by the foaming chemical reaction that looks just like toothpaste big enough for an elephant. It's such a fun and easy science experiment and all you need are a few ingredients!
This weeks theme is Under the Sea 🐚 So we made an Octopus and Squid ink propelled experiment 🐙🦑 You need: - printed octopus and squid - ink from pen that I took apart - bin with water The ink has a lower surface tension than water, creating a surface tension gradient that pulls the paper forward, a phenomenon known as the Marangoni effect 👩🏽‍🔬 #scienceforlittles #underthesea #scienceexperiment #scienceexperiments #scienceexperimentsforkids #scienceathome #scienceiscool #preschoolathome #...
How to Make a Mason Jar Aquarium: A Fun Kids Activity
Learn how to make a mason jar aquarium! This fun kids activity is perfect for a rainy day or when you're stuck inside and looking for something new and different to do.
🎃 Exploding Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin Science Experiment for October
This outrageously FUN Exploding Pumpkin is a fun halloween science experiment for kids of all ages from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade students. This pumpkin activity is super simple to try using common materials you already have in your kitchen! Use this halloween activities to teach kids a little chemistry with this baking soda and vinegar experiment as part of your pumpkin theme or halloween theme in October.