
59 Pins
Wiii, happy creepy goat 🥹🖤 so much fun getting to tattoo this goat from my up for grabs!! Thank you for the trust 🖤 Bonus cute creepy crying blood pic! I’d be happy to make more goats! Dm or mail to book, still got available dates in June and July ✨ #tattoo #tattoos #tatt #tattooart #tattooartist #tatovering #tatovør #tattoonorge #moss #mossnorge #verketmoss #dreamspectretattoocollective #norway #mossnorway #norwaytattoo #norwaytattooartist #goattattoo #goattattoos #upforgrabs #upforgrabst...
Unleashing the Adorable: The Charm of Goat Tattoos: 179 Designs -
Unleashing the Adorable: The Charm of Goat Tattoos: 179 Designs -
An Anast Tattoo on Instagram: "And everyone’s favorite (after the cow) BABY GOOOOOAT 🐐🐐🐐 Show some love for this little baby. . Done with @dragonhawkofficial X3 tattoo machine (link and discount code in bio) ✨ . #goattattoo #babygoat #gothanimals #gothgoat #gothtattoo #cutegoat #amsterdamtattoo"