29 Pins
I Will Do Gis Maps With Arcgis And Qgis
Hi there! This is Ashad, GIS expert having bachelor degree in Urban Planning. I will do a wide range of GIS applications- GIS maps, Digitizing, Geo Database Creation, Geospatial analysis etc. In addition i will provide you INTERACTIVE WEB MAP, STORY MAP for your business or institute. I will also assist you with REMOTE SENSING application (Satellite Image Processing, LAND CLASSIFICATION, Spectral Indices (NDVI, NDBI, NDWI etc.) Contact me to UNCOVER the meaning and INSIGHTS from your
ARPAS, IMC - Indice di vegetazione NDVI
Indice di vegetazione NDVI
Pollution and Impact from Mining Activities
HA TU_HA LONG [Analysis 03] Issue 2: Pollution and Impact from Mining Activities From an environmental perspective, open-pit mining has severely damaged and left significant “scars” on the environment and natural ecosystems of the region. It consumes a massive amount of water, causing severe pollution to water and air quality, distorting landscapes, and permanently destroying the habitats of some native species. Even after the extraction pits are depleted and sites are rehabilitated, the mining areas still pose risks of erosion and high flooding. #coalmining #gis #gismapping #mapping #urbandesign #urbanplanning #ecosystems #floodrisk #hydrology #NDVI #urbandesignlab #illustrationwork #illustrate #architettura #design #terrain #water #ecosystem #ecologicalrestoration #waterfront #mapp
This may contain: the before and after photos of a woman's hair
Video editors start by importing raw footage into editing software.
Video editors start by importing raw footage into editing software. They then select the best takes and arrange them in a sequence that follows the desired storyline or message. This process often involves cutting, trimming, and rearranging clips.