BR Steam Photos Models: Memorial Collection

[UNOFFICIAL] A rather unorthodox Board compared to my usual, I know. However, this is a place where all of ‘BR Steam Photos’, or Rob’s fantastic British Steam model photographs can be found together. This board is also a tribute, remembrance and dedication to the sadly late ‘BR Steam Photos’, who was a lovely gentleman and very talented. Full steam ahead my friend. 🕊️🛤️🕊️
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LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LMS ‘Coronation’ Class: “City of Leicester”
Carrying BR No.46252. (Original LMS No. 6252)
BR Standard ‘4’ Class No.75005
BR Standard ‘Britannia’ Class ‘7’ No.70010: “Owen Glendower”
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LNER ‘B1’ Class BR No.61243: “Sir Harold Mitchell”
Carrying BR No.61243. (Originally LNER No. 1243)
LMS ‘Coronation’ Class: “City of Leicester”
Set in 1951. Carrying BR No.46252. (Original LMS No. 6252)
LMS Ivatt ‘4MT’ Class BR No.43043
SR ‘Lord Nelson’ Class: “Lord Nelson”
Carrying BR No.30850. (Original SR No. 850)