35 Pins
Rustic Wood Footstool Gets a Makeover with Twine
La profesora entregará a cada niño una hoja blanca y trozos de lana de distintos colores. Los niños han de crear distintas formas (círculos, líneas rectas, líneas curvas...) pegando la lana en el papel.
How to Paint and Maintain Outdoor Furniture to last
Outdoor furniture can be just as important as indoor furniture, if you know how to keep it up. A big part of knowing how to take care of it, is knowing how to paint it if it ever needs to be touched up. There’s no need to throw away a good piece of furniture just because it’s been through a little weather. Let me show you how to paint and maintain outdoor furniture to last.
DIY Wicker Furniture Repair
How-to Repair a Child's Wicker Rocker
How-to Repair a Wicker Rocker
How To Paint Metal Patio Furniture - From House To Home
Your old outdoor furniture is screaming for an update? We've got you covered! Learn how to update metal patio furniture in a cheap and easy way!