Title: The Vamp's ChokerDescription (249 characters): This tantalizing choker channels your inner vampiress. Handcrafted leather and metal hardware evoke a darkly glam underworld. Dare to don this bewitching bauble and unleash your shadowy side. #BeBraveBeYou #CultCouture #EmoStyle Product information :Material: leatherType: collarStyle: unisexChain style: blade chainExtended chain: less than 10cmPendant material: metalCircumference: 21cm (inclusive) -50cm (inclusive)Colors: white, gold, pastel, Holographic Choker, Choker Chain Necklace, Cloth Ideas, Leather Choker Collars, Necklace Chain Types, Gothic Chokers, Choker Collar Necklace, Choker Chain, Gothic Accessories

The Vamp's Choker Exaggerated Gothic Laser Leather Necklace - Four buttonswhite color

Title: The Vamp's ChokerDescription (249 characters): This tantalizing choker channels your inner vampiress. Handcrafted leather and metal hardware evoke a darkly glam underworld. Dare to don this bewitching bauble and unleash your shadowy side. #BeBraveBeYou #CultCouture #EmoStyle Product information :Material: leatherType: collarStyle: unisexChain style: blade chainExtended chain: less than 10cmPendant material: metalCircumference: 21cm (inclusive) -50cm (inclusive)Colors: white, gold…


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