Pregnancy Care

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The Ultimate Guide on How to Sleep During Pregnancy
If you want to know how to sleep during pregnancy for more than a few minutes, then you'll love this post! I cover pregnancy sleeping positions, pregnancy sleep pillows, sleeping aids during pregnancy, and dealing with heartburn, needing to pee, and more reasons why you can't sleep during pregnancy! #pregnancy #pregnant #sleep
10 Pregnancy Firsts that Remove Any Doubt That You Are Indeed Pregnant
Even with a positive test, I can't believe I'm pregnant! These 10 unique pregnancy experiences totally convince anyone that they are indeed creating a new life inside of them! #pregnancy #firsttrimester
The 8 Different Types Of Miscarriages You Can Have
Miscarriage can be a heartbreaking experience for any pregnant woman regardless of how and when it happens. It also raises innumerable questions and doubts in a woman’s mind – ‘How did it happen?’ ‘Was I not careful enough?’ All this ultimately leads to self-blaming which can cause major emotional trauma.
5 Effective Tips For Proper Breast Care During Pregnancy
Breast changes are normal during pregnancy and might continue until delivery, and beyond. Hormonal fluctuations, increased blood flow, and the production of colostrum could result in pain and discomfort in the breasts
When Does The Baby Drop And How To Know
When the body starts preparing for labor, the baby drops into the pelvis. The baby needs to attain the optimal position inside the uterus to pass through the birthing canal. While it is impossible to predict when the baby will be born, ‘baby dropping’ into the pelvis is often considered as an indication that you are nearing labor. #pregnancy #pregnant #womb #pregnancycare
7 Things To Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant
If you have just found out that you are pregnant, fret not. Once the initial excitement settles, moms-to-be usually start worrying about what to do next or how good will they be able to handle everything on their own. Well, there’s a first time for everything! The road to childbirth can be a bumpy one since this is alien territory for you.
9 Misguided Beliefs About C-Section
Caesarean or C-section operations have been done to deliver babies for decades. People should be familiar with what this common procedure entails. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens during the operation.
does labor hurt with an epidural?
Does labor still hurt with an epidural? This post will tell you why you should plan on still having some pain and feeling contractions, allowing you to push during a normal vaginal delivery.
did my water break quiz
This Is my Water Broken Quiz will help you figure out if your amniotic sac broke or if you just peed… even with or without contractions. It can be really hard to tell if your waters are leaking… We’ll talk about how long it can be before baby needs to get out, and how often it happens? Plus, what does water breaking look like?