Mark My Words!

Quotes and words of inspirations. I have another board called I Quote. I will be inter exchanging them because I Quote emphasizes more on what famous people & inspirational words, Mark My Words is more in generalization and not always by a famous person! I'm careful on this one because there's so many out there but their very generic and have been said before; I really tried to choose ones that were different and made you think a little more, even laugh at the irony! You could also be a little more edgy, sarcastically speaking. Is that a threat? It says it how it is, so it's not as diplomatic! More cutesy, funny, deep, the unknown authors inspirational words. In other words..... Anonymously yours!
100 Pins
He'll wake up. Granted he won't have any teeth left but he will be a wiser man for it. - MagicalQuote