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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo | The Infant Punchinello in Bed with His Parents | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Infant Punchinello in Bed with His Parents
workman's tumblr
workman's tumblr - artist-daumier: Meeting of thirty-five heads of...
workman's tumblr
workman's tumblr - artist-daumier: Meeting of thirty-five heads of...
Komedianti (Trh v Židlochovicích) | zoom
Blasius Höfel (Hoefel) - Komedianti (Trh v Židlochovicích) | Moravská galerie v Brně | sbirky
Latest stories | Christie’s
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (Venice 1727-1804), The Nursing of Punchinello. 14 x 18½ in (35.4 x 47 cm). Estimate: $600,000-1,000,000.
The Game of Bowls | Cleveland Museum of Art
The Game of Bowls, 1790's. Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo. Collection CMA
H Beard Print Collection | Rowlandson, Thomas | Rowlandson, Thomas | Rowlandson, Thomas | V&A Explore The Collections
H Beard Print Collection | Rowlandson, Thomas | V&A Search the Collections
This cartoon from the theatre archive imagines a performance in the Georgian Theatre Royal during the Georgian period. We don’t know who it was by or who c...
Le théâtre du XVIIe siècle à nos jours - Le spectacle continue !
Peinture du XVIIIe s. montrant une représentation du Malade imaginaire de Molière, à Versailles, pour les fêtes de 1674.- 28) CLASSICISME ET THEATRE: *La Règle de Bienséance: oblige à ne représenter sur scène que ce qui ne choquera pas le public. On écarte la violence physique, mais aussi l'intimité physique. Les scènes violents doivent être racontées par un personnage. Quelques exceptions sont restées célèbres comme.....
Image gallery: The Humours of a Benefit Night, or the Boxes in an Uproar
The Humours of a Benefit Night, or the Boxes in an Uproar. Confusion in a theatre box, where a man leaning to look over the extravagantly high dressed hair of a lady, causing it to bend into the equally elaborate hair-do of her neighbour, watched with amusement by another highly-dressed woman and two men on the right, and a stout man and woman on the left. 1777. Published by William Humphrey