Sleep and The City

Lauren is a 3-time certified pediatric sleep consultant residing in Portland, Oregon with her husband and two young toddlers. Her holistic and modern approaches to baby sleep have earned rave reviews across Mommy forums, Instagram and Yelp, and to date has helped over 3,000+ families regain their sleep.
560 Pins
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Daylight SAvings Help: Springs Forward Time Change and all The Sleep Tricks needed to Shift your Baby's schedule
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Daylight Savings sample schedules
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
daylight savings spring forward
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Daylight Savings Help: Sleep Tricks to Gently Adjust Baby to the Time Change with
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
Spring Daylight Savings Schedules — Sleep and the City
How to Get your Baby to STTN
It might not be just "one" thing keeping your baby from sleeping all night....find out more by visiting us and dropping us a line!
The solution to babies waking up too early for the day-- finally!
Wanna uncover why your baby is REALLY waking up too early? Find out more in my top-rated Early Birds class, for babe and tots up to age 4!
Eat Play Sleep Help
Wondering what to do if baby wakes up too early from a nap, and it's not time to feed yet? Find out more from @sleepandthecity on Instagram or visit our website!
Newborn Wake Windows
Get a **FREE** schedule for your baby, instantly to your phone from trusted and top-rated baby sleep coach Lauren Olson!
When should my baby's last nap end?
Read more on the blog from celebrity sleep coach Lauren Olson at Sleep + the City!
If you’re new here, welcome 😊 This is a judgement-free community of Mamas who prioritize not only sleep, but health and the emotional well-being of ourselves and our babes. You’ll get the “boutique experience” here, and every response you’ll get is directly from me, Lauren, the founder, not an assistant or social media manager.
✨That feeling of relief when my son started sleeping 10-11 hours straight on the nightly✨
✨That feeling of relief when my son started sleeping 10-11 hours straight on the nightly✨