Physique Changers

217 Pins
Adi Duarte on Instagram: "Este treino de tríceps e bíceps com banda de resistência é eficaz, leve para as articulações e define os músculos rapidamente! As bandas proporcionam tensão constante para melhor ativação muscular, são fáceis para as articulações e podem ser usadas em qualquer lugar. Além disso, ao fortalecer os músculos, você queima mais calorias mesmo depois do treino. Então, sem desculpas, comece agora! #womenworkout #fitover40 #tricepsworkout #workoutathome"
Adi Duarte on Instagram: "Este treino para as costas com banda de resistência e halteres é a maneira perfeita de ganhar força, melhorar a postura e tonificar as costas, tudo no conforto da sua casa. A combinação de faixa e pesos trabalha os músculos de diferentes ângulos, garantindo um treino mais completo. É de baixo impacto, versátil e pode ser ajustado ao seu nível de condicionamento físico. Com equipamento mínimo e resultados máximos, este treino é um divisor de águas para sua rotina. Pronta para se sentir mais forte e com uma postura mais ereta? #womenworkout #fitover40 #backworkout #workoutathome"
Poonam Surve on Instagram: "Challenge & transform your body with Gorilla rows 💪🔥🔥 You can do them either at home or at the gym, all you need are a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. Gorilla rows are a unilateral back exercise that are an excellent alternative to the bent over rows. This is a compound move that targets the upper back muscles (lats, traps & rhomboids) along with the shoulders, biceps and forearms. They also develop core stability & lower body isometric strength as you are required to hold a static hip hinge whilst rowing unilaterally. I absolutely love this exercise, give it a try & watch your body transform 🏋️‍♀️💪 Poonam 🫶🫶🫶 . . . . . #back #backworkout #abs #absworkout #glutes #legs #legworkout #armworkout #homeworkout #homeworkouts #fullbodyworkout #gym #fitnes
Ashli Lamattina | Fitness + Mindset Coach for Busy Moms | 🚨QUICK Full Body Dumbbell Only🚨 💬 comment “THRIVE” to preview more workouts like this from my upcoming Thrive for 30 4-week Challenge. It’s... | Instagram
This may contain: a woman in tights and a baseball cap is holding a sign that says, firm up the back of your arm
Firm the back of your arm!
Here are 4 tips to sculpt and form the back of your arm! Try incorporating some of these different techniques in your next tricep workout. For follow along workouts be sure to follow us over on YouTube.
This may contain: a woman standing in front of a wall with the words strong legs in my 50's dumbbell workout
Strong Legs in my 50s!
Here is an advanced workout that I would do regularly in my home gym. I have been training for a long time so I would say this is an advanced workout and definitely not one for beginners. However, I do have a Beginner playlist on my channel, so be sure to check that out! For an advanced strength training program, download How To Build Muscle As you Age!
This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a chair with an ad above her that reads sculpted arms in my 50's
Sculpted Arms in my 50s?
How long does it take!? ⏰ Well, it takes a little bit of time. One thing I did not mention in this video is that even if you don’t see progress in the mirror, please know that you are progressing in such fantastic ways internally! You are increasing blood flow, improving mitochondrial health, increasing lean muscle tissue, staving off the loss of bone mineral density, improving heart health, and I could go on and on about the benefits! The process takes time, but of course, that’s true of anything that is worth having! Try this workout today and then download our new calendar for the month of April and see your own body transform!
Hilal Leigh | Legs at the Barre 💃 Use heavy loop band and Work the calves, ankles, quads, gluteus, inner thighs.. 📌Try 8 or 16 of each exercise.... | Instagram