recipes I want to try

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2M views · 18K reactions | Cheeseburger Hashbrown Casserole Dish 🍔 | Cheeseburger Hashbrown Casserole Dish 🍔 | By Kyle Istook | Start by pouring a thirty ounce bag of hash browns into the bottom of your casserole dish. We have one can of cream of chicken soup. We're just going to go right on top there. Get all that good stuff out. We're going to add eight ounces of sour cream. Just drop it and plop it. We're going to season this with some garlic powder, some onion powder, paprika, and black pepper. We're not going to add any salt to this because that cream of chicken soup has tons of salt. We're just going to spread this around. You use a mixing bowl for this. I just like a casserole dish. Just want to make sure you mix all those hash browns up with that cream chicken soup and that sour cream and the seasonings. You want flavor in every bite. Alright, once your hash browns are mixed up. We're going to grab our ground beef. I've seasoned this with salt and pepper and added one diced onion for extra flavor. We're going to grab some medium cheddar cheese. I have a two-cup bag here. We're going to put most of it on top. We're going to leave a little bit left in the bag. We're going to use later and again, we're going to mix all this up. This is perfect for the backyard barbecue, the cookout, potluck, you name it. You can bake it in the oven or even throw it in the smoker for some extra flavor and once all that is mixed up, we are going to grab our fresh greased nine by 13 casserole dish and we're just going to put all this on top there. We have mixed everything up so we have nice, consistent flavors. Just dump all that and we're just going to smooth this out here it's very important that your casserole dish is greased. Look at that you guys. That looks so good and we're going to grab the rest of our shredded cheese and we're just going to sprinkle a light layer on top here. This thing is going to be cheesy and so so good. Now, my favorite addition is this French's crispy fried onion strings. We're just going to go across this whole thing here. You know what? We're going to use the whole box. Spread those out. These are going to get deliciously crispy on top. Alright, our is preheated to 350 degrees. We're going to throw this in for about 40 minutes uncovered. Come back and add some toppings. Alright, our hash brown cheeseburger casserole is done. We baked it for about 45 minutes and then let it rest for about 10 minutes to cool off. We are in Texas so we're going to add some Whataburger ketchup. This stuff is absolutely delicious. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a shot. We're going to add all the burger toppings here. You may be a little scared but trust the process. We're going to add a little bit of yellow mustard on top. My wife loves tomatoes so I'm going to put tomatoes on her half right there and gotta add the pickles. We're going to add a few of these burger pickle slices. Pickles go great with burgers and so you gotta add pickles to your casserole. We're going to go ahead and serve ourself a nice large portion of our casserole here and we're going to serve it on our brand-new Hermes plate. Finest plate for the finest casserole. Gotta get that pickle on top. There we go. Look at how good that looks you guys. Let's try it out. Cooked perfectly, nice and crispy. That is so good. You gotta try this.
963K views · 6.8K reactions | How did I not know about this crockpot dinner? | How did I not know about this crockpot dinner? I make my husband's viral pasta dinner in my slow cooker. | By Justine Kameron | Alright, we have our 96% lean ground beef. I have a diced green pepper that I'm going to place right next to our meat. This is all in my crockpot. We're making a super easy and delicious crockpot dinner. Now, I'm going to come in with my onions and we're going to put those onions right next to our green pepper. Wanna make sure everything is nice and diced. Just makes things easier for later. Now, I'm going to come in with my mild cheddar cheese. Oh, this is going to be so good you guys. If you love cheesy and delicious things, you will love this recipe and we are just putting a good amount of cheese right there. I used about half a bag of our cheddar cheese The next cheese we're going to add is our Parmesan. And we're going to put the Parmesan right here on the side. As you can see I'm making little compartments for each ingredient. That's exactly what we want. Beautiful Now, I have here some Rao's marinara, the best marinara that you can buy. Obviously, homemade is always nice and we're going to put that right in front of the ground beef. Kinda just fill up that little open spot that we had. It's okay if it overflows on the ground beef because we want to make sure we use that marinara perfectly. Almost done here. I'm going to come in now with my Philadelphia cream cheese and we're going to grab this whole block of cream cheese and place it right on top of our other ingredients. Alright. Now, we're going to come in with our daisy sour cream and we're using eight ounces. So, we use eight ounces of cream cheese and eight ounces of sour cream and we're going to put that right on top of our ground beef right in there and it's important that you use the lean ground beef so that you don't get, you know, too much grease in our crockpot. Okay. This is all looking delicious. I'm tasting all the flavors in my mouth. Right and all the scents. Mm hmm. Okay, it is season this up. We're going to start off with some garlic salt. You guys know I love my garlic. Just sprinkle that on the entire dish just like so. Then we're going to go in with some black pepper. You guys can season this however you like. I just like to keep it kind of on the Italian side because this is going to be an Italian crockpot dinner. I have some dried parsley flakes. Add a little bit of greenery in there. Oh my gosh. I love parsley. Look how beautiful that looks. Amazing. Now, we're going to finish this off with some basil leaves. Okay. Like I said, you can use whatever you prefer. I'm just trying to keep it nice and flavorful and a little bit of thyme. Okay, guys. That is it. We're going to go ahead and put our lid on our crockpot and set this to high and let it cook. Alright, you guys. It's been two hours on high. Let's check this out. Whoo. Wow. My goodness. That looks incredible. Okay. We are actually going to go ahead and add some rotini pasta. This is cooked al dente right into our crockpot with all that goodies. Perfect. Now, it's time for mixing. Oh my gosh. Oh the ground beef cooked perfectly. We got all that cooked onion. Okay, this looks so good. I got that ground beef nice and torn apart. It is time to serve some of this up. Oh my goodness. This smells incredible, you guys. Whoo. Okay. Al dente pasta. That is seriously good, you guys. You have to try it.
Easy crockpot dinner | Easycrockpot dinner Elaine makes a yummy ramen dinner in the crockpot | By Elaine Carol’s Kitchen | Alright, that is four of my top ramen cakes. I'm grabbing my seasoning packets out. I've got two beef in here and two chicken and I am going to use my seasoning packets. Just cut this open and use one chicken on here. There we go. One B coin here. That out of there. We go. Now, I'm going to come in with my mozzarella cheese. Just cover up with a nice layer of mozzarella cheese happening here with our noodles. And now I've got some pre-cooked ground beef that I'm adding into all of this. Just right on top of that cheese and those noodles. We're making a real tasty kind of fusion dish today. Now, I've got some beautiful bell peppers I just cut into strips. Got some orange, I'll just put all these in there. Perfect. Some orange. I've got some green. Some red. This is going to be kind of healthy with these bell peppers and we've got those noodles down in there for a little bit of carbohydrates. We got protein happening. The noodles are very cost effective. Now, I've got my onion just kind of roughly chopped I guess I would say. So, you can see this is going to be real flavorful. We're taking you to flavor town this guy Fury should say. Okay. Now, I've got some Mars Capone cheese. You don't have to use Mars Capone. I could also use ricotta but I just happen to have this Mars Capone at home here and I thought this would be a great opportunity to use this up, you know. Oh, wow. Really sticks on there. Imma just put that like that for one second. It's kind of like a cream cheese it's got like a pretty mild taste and you know what I want this to be extra creamy so I'm just going to put this whole thing right in here on top just like that perfect. This might be seeming kind of funny like we've got Asian noodles. We've got our marzipone cheese which is Italian. We've got our peppers. It could be Italian, could use in a lot of Mexican dishes. This was 8 ounces, I just want to say. So basically we've got a lot of flavours happening here. I'm going to use a little bit of pink Himalayan salt. I'm going to grind this on top of everything to give this some flavour. Not too much. And a little bit of ground pepper. Can leave this off if you don't like things to have a little bit of spice to them but I do. Now, I've got some garlic powder, my favorite. You can also use fresh garlic if you'd like. I'm just garlic powdering this for today because you know, That's what I felt like. Now, I'm going to put in a little bit of Italian seasoning. We're taking this in an Italian direction everybody. We're using those ramen noodles with our Italian sort of seasonings, a little bit of those noodle seasonings in there. So, really we're making this a fusion dish like I said. Now, I've got some tomato sauce and some Alfredo. Oh yeah. Look at that. Just beautiful. Oh yeah. This is going to be beautiful. I'm not worried about those mixing. It'll look really cool right now being separated. This going to make a real creamy sauce for us. Now, I'm just going to add a little bit of 1% milk just to my Alfredo sauce here. If you notice, it's a little bit of a smaller jar. Put a lid on. So, I don't make a mess. I'll give this guy a good little shake here and now, this milk is going to be a little bit more liquid to cook those noodles. Look at that this is going to be so tasty and we're using those ramen noodles instead of our Italian sort of pasta spaghetti noodles we might you know normally use they're going to have a really fun texture ramen noodles are super affordable so this is a great meal to make you know on a budget or if you're in college it's kind of fun you can put in the crock pot set it and forget it go to class go to work come home alright I've got some Italian style cheese here and this is really a blend of just different cheeses. So it's mozzarella, provolone, Parmesan, Romano, Fontina, and Asiago. I love cheese y'all. Alright, I think that's looking pretty good. I'm going to add just a little bit more Italian seasoning right on top here. I want this to be nice and seasoned. Alrighty. Got my lid on the crock pot now and I'm going to set this on high and we're going to leave this for 2 hours. Alright, y'all. It's been about two hours just a little bit less. Look at all this steam inside here. I'm going to tell you though, I did stir this partway through and made sure everything was incorporated and those noodles were done and then I put a little fresh cheese right on top there. So check this out. My beautiful noodles. R. I think I broke them up maybe a little bit. Touched too much when I was kind of stirring them around in there. But I'm going to tell you this is a really good flavor in here. And you'll just do your noodles to your desired doneness. We got something else cooking so. There's a pepper. Whoop. There's pepper. This is going to be so tasty. Alright. I forgot a fork. Look at that steam coming off. Ooh I'm excited to get me a bite of our ramen noodle pasta. Y'all the flavor in this is so good. That ground beef, Mars Capone cheese, Alfredo and red sauce mix. You gotta try this.
232K views · 1K reactions | Mouthwatering Malai Rice Phirni | Eid Dessert Recipe | Rice Phirni Dessert | Delicious Malai Dessert | dessert, rice, Malai, food | Mouthwatering Malai Rice Phirni | Eid Dessert Recipe | Rice Phirni Dessert | Delicious Malai Dessert #dessert #food #recipe | By N'Oven - Cake & Cookies | Facebook
274K views · 2K reactions | This dessert changed my life | This dessert changed my life Justine makes a blueberry monkey bread. | By Kiera & Ryan & Danny & Justine | Alright, I just added one bag of my frozen blueberries to my bump pan. Now, I'm coming in with my Pillsbury Biscuit Grahams. Open this up and we're going to grab our biscuits. Grab some scissors and we're going to cut them once twice just like so and let our pieces fall right into our bunk pan. This is going to be such an easy and delicious dessert. If you love blueberries, if you love sweet pies or anything like that, you will love this dessert. You could switch up the fruit too. You could do some frozen strawberries, some frozen raspberries, a triple berry blend, whatever you you could use that. But we're just going to fill this up super quick so that we can get a nice full bundt pan of these delicious Pillsbury biscuits. Oh my. Yum. Alright so this is my twelfth biscuit. We used one and a half cans of the Pillsbury biscuits and we are popping it right in there. Look how full and beautiful that looks. We're instantly going to come in with some melted butter. This is two sticks of melted butter. And with that melted butter we're going to add some light brown sugar. I am a little messy today but that's okay. Little mess never hurt anyone, right? Yeah, exactly. You're not making a mess in the kitchen. You're not doing it right. So, we added a cup and a half of our brown sugar in there. Last thing we're going to add to this mixture is some vanilla extract and I'm just going to use a little cup and do one two teaspoons of vanilla right into our measuring cup. We're going to give this a good whisk. This mixture is go so beautifully with those biscuits and those blueberries. It's just going to be so sweet. It's going to be almost like a monkey bread but better because we have those blueberries on those. It's the juices are just going to come out so nicely and just fall right onto those biscuits as they cook. Okay, let's really get this blended together. Get some herb strength in here. We want a nice, thick mixture. Okay, this looks right That looks delicious. Exactly. Okay, we're going to bring in our bundt pan and we're going to drizzle our mixture right on top of those biscuits and as it bakes, that mixture is just going to fall between those biscuits and make this the most delicious dessert you've ever had. Okay. I might have overmade my mixture. I only used about three fourths of it but this is ready for the oven. Give it a little shimmy. My oven is set to 350 and this is going to bake for 45 minutes oh my look how golden and beautiful that looks I cannot wait to flip this over we got our round platter here oh my gosh I'm kind of scared but I think it's going to be oh you just didn't even count down you just did it yeah it's how you do it I'm loving authenticity let's get this out of the way we don't need it anymore oh my gosh it's starting to drip that blueberry goodness it's cooking it Cooping. Alright. So, if you let it sit in the pan a little longer than I did, the juice will start to thicken up and you won't get this splurge but you guys know I'm impatient. I can't wait. So, let's go ahead and dig in. Oh, look. The biscuits are perfectly cooked. Oh yeah. The sweet blueberry, the sweet biscuits. This is about to be divine. You really outdid yourself this time. Oh yeah. I've never had anything so delicious. Ugh, this is great, you guys. You have to try it.
161K views · 1.3K reactions | I learned this in Idaho! | I learned this in Idaho! Jen makes a lasagna inspired twice baked potato | By Kiera & Ryan & Danny & Justine | Alright, those are just my boiled potatoes that I just took the guts out and I'm placing them into my 13 by nine. Now that we have those perfectly gutted, I'm going to move those off to the side and I'm bringing in our potato guts with our potato guts. I'm going to go in with one pound of cooked ground beef that I just seasoned up with some salt and pepper. In addition, we're coming in with one of my favorite sauces, the Bertoli, tomato, and basil. This is one of my favorite ways to make potatoes. If you have not tried my potato recipes, they're absolutely delicious. I do a variety of potato recipes. Is a new one and very fun. I'm next going to be coming in with some ricotta cheese. I love using ricotta. If you haven't used ricotta, it's kind of like a wet mozzarella. It's what people use in like lasagna. Hint hint. I'm going in with maybe just maybe about a half cup. In addition, I'm going to go in with some melted butter because wet potato doesn't love some melted butter. This is about a half a stick of unsalted melted butter right into our large mixing bowl and then I'm going to be coming in with some Italian seasonings. This'll really just marry well with our ground beef, our ricotta, and of course our Bertoli red sauce and our potato guts. So I'm going pretty heavy just like so. Perfect. And then I'm going to come back in with our spatula and we are going to mix our potato guts. Our ground beef. Our botoli. So I did a red sauce. You could definitely do a white sauce. A pesto and Alfredo. I did a ground beef. You could do a ground chicken, a ground turkey. I know some folks for the New Year they're goal is maybe less red meat. You could so you could do a turkey. You could do a chicken. You could even do like a mushroom here if you wanted to do a vegetarian play on this. But we're going to go ahead and get this nice and mashed together before moving on to our next step. Alright now that we have that beautiful mashed potato consistency. What I'm going to do I'm going to move this off to the side. Perfect. And we're going to bring back in our little skinned potato shells. I have of course our little ice cream scoop and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take that delicious ground beef ricotta and our potato guts right into our potato shells. I just did a russet potato. I boiled them. I boiled them for what? Maybe like thirty, 45 minutes. Oh. If you could smell this right now, it smells just like lasagna or like a really rich bolognese sauce. Oh, I mean, look at how loaded those potatoes are. I love a good potato especially during the winter time. Breakfast lunch and dinner. I don't discriminate. Oh and these are coming out so perfect. Twice baked potatoes. Just like that. Easy, delicious. But we are not done yet folks. This is just the beginning. Now that we have those nice and stuff, you can save some leftover just for eating right out of the bowl. We can't forget our Parmesan cheese. I love an ooey gooey cheesy potato. Remember we do have our ricotta in there. But we need to top these puppies off with some Parmesan cheese. Am I right? So maybe about use half of that. So one and one half cup whatever half of that is. And then I'm going to come in some chopped basil just for some added greenery. You can do an Italian herb here. You could do even like a red pepper flake. Totally up to you. I think those look absolutely fabulous. So we are ready to place these in the oven. I those potatoes are already cooked. Ground beef's already cooked. We're going maybe like 1015 minutes at 400 degrees. Lasagna stuffed potatoes. Are you ready? These smell so delicious. I am convinced like this is exactly what lasagna should be from now on. They look incredible. I am ready to dig into one. I I almost want to. But let's see. I got a big enough spatula where we could get two but we should only do one. We gotta save the rest for my friends and family. Alright. Oh. Let's see. Let's grab this one. These stout are a little hot. I don't know why I'm struggling so much. Oh This smells absolutely amazing. I grabbed the biggest spatula but that's okay. My stomach was bigger than my eyes. We have to cut into this puppy though. Oh the cheese, the meat, the ricotta, the basil. And of course our potato. I mean look at how absolutely delicious that looks. Oh. Like I said lasagna twice baked potatoes. You have to give this a try. The next time you side dishes needed. Cheers.
90K views · 466 reactions | You need to try this easy dinner #usa #recipe #easyrecipe #pasta #dinner #easyrecipes #recipes #homecooking #recipeideas #fyp #foryou | Easy Recipes