Tackle Tinkle Blog

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8 Genius Life Hacks for Pet Parents
Being a pet parent certainly comes with a lot of perks—a best friend for life, a constant snuggle buddy, and all the unconditional love and affection you can handle. But these perks don’t come without a lot of responsibility, too. Being a great pet mom or dad takes work, and it’s totally worth it. But, why not make life a little easier (or cleaner, or smelling a little more fresh, or just save a few bucks) with these 8 genius life hacks for pet owners!
How to Remove Pet Odor From Your Car
Many of us pet-lovers delight in seeing a fluffy dog head poking out of a car window when we’re out on the road.Perhaps it’s even your pet’s cute face greeting fellow drivers! Regardless, we love to carry our pets along with us wherever we go, but this can present some pretty stinky problems. Pet odor can get particularly bad in your car. Increased heat and cramped quarters can quickly combine to turn mild odors into nearly unbearable ones!
Household Substances Toxic to Your Pet + How to Avoid Them
Did you know that many of the common household items you use around your home could be harming your pet?While certain obvious chemical products might be clearly off limits, it’s difficult to keep track of all the hidden, dangerous substances in household products these days, some of which can be in your dog or cat’s food!
How to Get Dog Poop Out of Carpet
Okay, so your dog has just defecated himself or herself right in the middle of your carpeted living room—what do you do? Not only is this a gross situation in general, but it can also be hard to clean it up fully—especially when trying to remove nasty odors. Well we’re here to put your mind at ease and provide a few helpful hints on how to get dog poop out of carpet, removing both poop stains and odors.
Headed Back to the Office? Separation Issues
Some dogs urinate or defecate when left alone or separated from their family members. This usually happens shortly after you leave even if your dog has just recently been out and eliminated. This is a challenge, but we have a solution to help it not be too big of a problem.
How To Clean Pet Beds
How often should I clean my pet bed? Most sources agree that pet beds need to be cleaned every week or two, depending on how much time your dog spends outdoors. It also depends on some other factors. How do you clean a pet bed? Read our blog for tips!
Using Blacklights to Find Pet Urine
Maybe you’ve already heard of the new trend: using blacklights to find pet urine and other bodily fluids causing odors around the home. The question is, is it worth it?
How To Clean Up Pet Vomit
There are many suggestions on the internet for cleaning vomit. They are baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, and dish soap. Each of these solutions can create more issues on the carpet, bed, or couch that you are trying to remove the vomit smell and stain from. We recommend a quick and easy way that will remove the stain and eliminate the odor form the vomit.
How to Get Rid of Outdoor Pet Odors and Stains
Odors and stains from pets and wild animals can make spending time in your outdoor oasis a lot less pleasant. Thankfully, tackling outdoor odors can be easy. Here’s how!
Tips For Keeping Small Animal Cages, Habitats, and Hutches Clean
When you open your heart to a small animal pet, you’re opening your home to big animal smells and stains. Many new small animal owners are surprised at just how big a mess their little loves can make.If your guinea pig pen, hamster habitat, bunny hutch, lizard lair, bird cage, turtle tank, or chicken coop is starting to smell a little funky, it’s essential that their cozy new digs be kept clean.
Unique Pet Care - Eliminate Stains and OdorsWhat is the Best Pet Odor Neutralizer?
In today’s market, there’s no shortage of “miracle” products and treatments that claim to neutralize pet odors of all types. It can be overwhelming to say the least. How can you possibly know what pet odor neutralizer is best?
Your Dog Got Skunked!
Oh no! You hear your dog out in the yard make some strange noises and then, they are at the door scratching to get in. On opening the door, the dog runs into the house acting crazy, rubbing on furniture, rolling on their back, then it hits you, the SMELL. Noooooo! Your dog just got skunked. You quickly grab the dog and put them in the garage, but now what?
Using Blacklights to Find Pet Urine
Maybe you’ve already heard of the new trend: using blacklights to find pet urine and other bodily fluids causing odors around the home. The question is, is it worth it? The reality is that odors can be hard to find in the home. Treating urine stains can seem hard enough, but if you can’t even find where urine is, you can’t treat the area and remove the odor!
How To Get Pet Odor Out Of Furniture.
Imagine this: your pet once again jumps up into his favorite spot on the couch and twirls around several times till he plops down in a comfy heap, his tongue lolling happily out of his mouth. Day after day, the same course of events occur, and even though you know your pet doesn’t have that many accidents, you start to notice a musty, lingering odor in and around your couch. How do you get rid of it?
How to Remove Pet Odor From Your Car
Many of us pet-lovers delight in seeing a fluffy dog head poking out of a car window when we’re out on the road.Perhaps it’s even your pet’s cute face greeting fellow drivers! Regardless, we love to carry our pets along with us wherever we go, but this can present some pretty stinky problems. Pet odor can get particularly bad in your car.