28 Pins
How to Keep your Password - Panda Security
Avoid predictable patterns in letter capitalization like at the beginning or end of your password, or for proper nouns. Also, try to use your entire keyboard, and not just characters you use on a daily basis, as hackers know this and will target the common characters.
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Algunas alternativas de software libre para reemplazar las aplicaciones populares en Windows.
Internet Safety: Creating Strong Passwords
Common Password Mistakes infographic #Internet security #security threats
Chinese Betrayal
Chinese Betrayal
Just One More Job (The Coming Home Series Book 2)
Just One More Job (The Coming Home Series Book 2)
The Geek Girl and the NSA (The Coming Home Series Book 1)
The Geek Girl and the NSA (The Coming Home Series Book 1)
We at Blockchain UNAM; CriptoNerds and El Criptógrafo made this infographic on identifying scams
We at Blockchain UNAM; CriptoNerds and El Criptógrafo made this infographic on identifying scams