Baby Led Weaning

BLW, baby-led weaning, baby-led weaning hacks, how to feed your baby, self-feeding skills, teaching baby to eat
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Baby Led Weaning First Foods Tracker Printable List | Digital PDF Baby Foods List
This first foods tracker is a great way to keep track of the foods you first give your baby and what their response was. It incldues common allergens and over 100 easy to find foods. This list would work for both purees or a baby led weaning approach. It may give you ideas of new foods to try. To check out this food tracker created by a feeding specialist and occupational therapis, click the link for more information!
Baby’s First Foods Tracker
This food tracker contains 9 categories including the top 9 allergens and an area to add your own foods. It was created by a feeding specialist OT and includes over 100 of the y first foods to offer your baby. This checklist works great for both baby led weaning and purees.
What are the benefits of baby led weaning? A feeding specialist explains
There are so many benefits to baby led weaning! It may not be the best apparoach for every baby, but it works great for manh babies! A feeding specialist OT explains why you shoudl give the baby led weaning approach to feeding a chance. Click to read!
Why you should try baby-led weaning
A baby-led weaning approach has many benefits. BLW can help advance oral motor and fine motor skills. Baby-led weaning also can reduce picky eating behaviors in toddlers. Letting baby feed themselves has many advantages. Read more about the benefits of a baby-led approach in this article by an occupational therapist, feeding specialist, and mom of two!
Benefits of baby-led weaning
Hat is baby-led weaning? Baby-led weaning involves letting baby feed themselves and starting off with real solid food rather than purées. Baby led weaning helps with fine motor skills, oral motor skills, exposure to texture variety, and reduces picky eating. A feeding therapist explains why you should consider baby-led weaning in this article! Baby-led weaning may not be right for every baby, but for most babies it works great when starting solids!
Baby-Led Weaning: How to Get Started
Have you heard of baby-led weaning but aren't exactly sure what it means? If you want to learn more about this approach that supports infants in feeding themselves and reduces picky eating, check out this article from a feeding specialist and pediatric occupational therapist. It's understandable for parents to be a little anxious about starting solids with their baby. Educating yourself can help you to feel more comfortable with advancing your baby's diet!
Best Suction Bowl For Babies
Suction plates and bowls are one of the best inventions to date when it comes to feeding babies! When made well, they prevent spills and can help baby be more independent. But many of them don't work well. How do you pick a good suction plate or bowl for your baby? After trying many, I have one brand that I absolutely love and works better than anything else! Read the article by a feeding specialist and occupational therapist for suggestions!
Picking the Best Baby Spoon
Certain features of baby spoons make them easier for baby to learn to feed themselves! There are so many different types of baby spoons out there, so how do you pick a good one? The length of spoon, size of the bowl of the spoon, and shape of the handle all are important factors! If you're looking for a good spoon for your baby, check out this article from a feeding specialist and occupational therapist!
BLW First Foods Guide: Fruit Edition (6+ Months)
In this post, I'm going to share with you a variety of fresh fruit that you can offer your baby as baby-led weaning first foods. I'll also share my top tips for what to expect and how to make those first food feedings easier on everyone. All fruits included are a great choice for blw first foods 6 months and older. Check out my specific guidelines for how to offer these first fruits for baby while promoting self-feeding.
This may contain: a person holding a green cup in their hand with the caption teach baby to drink from a straw
Teach Baby to Drink from a Straw
Start straw drinking when baby is 6 months old and is sitting up mostly on their own. Take and toss cup works great for most kids. The honey bear works for kids that are having a harder time learning this skill. The First Years Take and Toss Cup can be found on Amazon and at Target and Walmart. Honey Bear Cup is made by several companies and can be found on Amazon.